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BookChallenge Post the cover of a book that influenced you every day for 20 days. No reviews, no explanations, just the covers.
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
I have no idea what has led to this suddenly surfacing again, but yes, this is what it refers to. Though if you want the whole thing to the end, my Patreon is a better place perhaps, have it there without the broken thread(and yes its free to read in case you were wondering)
Confirmation from elsehwere: the Gaiman Rule comes from Clarion, not Clarion West.
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
Battlestar Galactica (2004)
Southwest Airlines was spared from today's CrowdStrike catastrophe that grounded or delayed hundreds of flights because they run on Windows 3.1... operating system whose last update was November 8, 1993...
BookChallenge The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.
BookChallenge The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. Join in!
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
Great! Bookmarking on Bluesky! 👇👇👇👇
I’ve got a few moments this morning and not everyone knows this but Bluesky has stealth bookmarking service that works really well. I’m sure you have been seeing a plethora of red pins 📌 like this lately. The reason why is this: 1/3
Everyone, just rummage around in the system directory of your PC or laptop and rename a file. What could possibly go wrong?
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
Crowdstrike : its fine u just have to manually visit the PC boot it into safe mode and remove a sys file US Organization with 50,000 pcs and a completely outsourced IT department in Bangalore : what
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
It’s not that the best lack all conviction. The best have plenty of conviction. The problem is that the best are massively outnumbered by a combination of the worst with their passionate intensity and the profoundly mid with their “eh whatever”
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
Sorry this is bizarre why are we taking announcements on government roles from the political party rather than a minister? Who gives a crap what the ACT party apparatus thinks? Seymour, as Minister, needs to respond to the consequences of his actions.
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
Seymour is a racist and eugenicist. The changes he wants at Pharmac can only be explained if you understand this. Not surprised the highly principled Anthony Jordan has resigned in protest.
We've reached the phase of the bsky Neil Gaiman discourse where his peers are rallying around to congratulate each other on not responding to the allegations. And god knows, getting harrassed into responding to the outrage du jour is not good. But...
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
Can we have another lockdown and border shut? Just as a treat...
Here is the genomic analysis background to the reintroduction of RSV to New Zealand in 2021, after it had previously been wiped out within the country in 2020 as a side effect of the NPI's that eliminated covid
Had to delete my post because I accidentally used the unedited screenshot in with the phone number visible. 😱 Will try again. A text exchange with my daughter. I'm always so delighted when she gives me some love.
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
The problem is that Penk is 100% informed about his job. He's *doing* his job. The fact his job is entirely disconnected from facts in favour of heeding the whims of powerful (pakeha) moneyed classes is where the blood starts to spill. And that's what we have to fight. #nzpol
Cringe. I was at a conference recently that spoke about insulation at length. Had Penk, who was basically openly ridiculed at the conference, stayed beyond his little meaningless speech, he would have learned a thing or two about ***HIS FUCKING JOB***.
The cone of silence around the Gaiman accusations is getting more uncomfortable by the day. People are twisting themselves into pretzels to justify not saying anything. They need more proof, they don't to want to pile on, they cite the virtue of keeping your powder dry and avoiding hot takes.
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
We need to remember this with all this government's decisions. There is a tendency to blame NZF or Act or individual National Party Ministers, but everyone in cabinet is responsible for approving these awful policies.
It is a full cabinet decision. Blood on all their hands. #nzpol
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Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
The word "Gaslighting" is not a synonym of the word "Lying". "Gaslighting" is an interpersonal abuse technique used to force a victim to only trust and rely upon their abuser to determine what is *reality* and to force the victim to distrust their own physical senses and memories.
Amazing the way media twist language to minimise some people's actions. Casey Costello didn't commit a crime, she acted 'contrary to the law' and now this guy didn't defraud or scam or embezzle, he 'duped'.
A prominent National Party figure Siva Kilari, who this month heaped praise on the party’s crime reduction record, once “duped” a couple out of $125,000, court documents obtained by Stuff reveal.
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
hey hey Wellington eastern suburbs. Get tamariki ready for the new school term with free "freshen up" event.
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
So, aside from wanting to enable their friends & donors to make out like bandits before it all comes crashing down, this short-termist profit-extracting approach to climate is signalled by the language of quarterly KPIs, like companies focused on paying dividends instead of investing for the future.
The thing I find most frustrating about lack of commitment on emissions reduction (not offsetting) is that there are so many things we can do *right now* which are effective, cheaper than the high-emissions alternatives, and have additional benefits. The cancelled ferries are a prime example.
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
Useful things you could offer to a child and their whānau with 100k rent, bills, kai, clothes, pay debts, hauora appointments, therapy, education and work support, some senior social worker time, sport, trip to connect to whānau.
Boot camps could cost $100,000 per A trial involving 10 boys aged 15-18 starts this month but there has been little detail about what exactly it will look like.
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
Penk wants to roll back insulation standards and backs the word of some (probably imaginary) builders over multiple studies and the wishes of voters. Government by vibes (autocomplete changed that to bribes, which is apposite) and reckons. Expertise and facts be damned.
Government considers rolling back insulation The changes made last year were the first significant upgrades to minimum requirements for housing in more than a decade.
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
1.3 million homes in NZ were built before 2000. Living areas and bedrooms in winter are 6°C below WHO healthy minimum indoor temp of 18°C. 70% of all NZ homes have no underfloor and insufficient ceiling insulation. Cost of A&E for 1 respiratory case is about the same as insulating an entire house
What utter heartless, mindless bullshit are these fools up to now?! National are slaves to slumlords! Government considers rolling back insulation standards
Government considers rolling back insulation The changes made last year were the first significant upgrades to minimum requirements for housing in more than a decade.
Unhealthy We spend 70% of our time in our homes, yet many New Zealand homes are up to 6 degrees below the WHO's minimum of 18 degrees.
Reposted byAvatar nzjanette
"The emails sent to RNZ anonymously indicate a ministerial advisory group tried to take control of rewriting the curriculum." Absolute scandal: that group is headed an employee of a rightwing thinktank, is made up of his personal picks, and all indications are that they have seized control.
Leaked emails deepen teachers' curriculum Leaked emails have deepened teachers' fears about the future of the secondary school English curriculum. The emails sent to RNZ anonymously indicate a ministerial advisory group tried to take control ...