Previously on Blue...

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Previously on Blue...

Previously on Blue, where you get the names.
Bsky posters are referencing general societal age and power disparity issues in sexual relationships in oblique reference to news that popular author, Neil Gaiman, is facing New Zealand inquiry into allegations of sexual assault by two young adult women with whom he has acknowledged relationships.
After some consideration and feedback, I'm going to avoid posting about lower follower accounts, except in very extreme circumstances to avoid distorting and amplifying the impact of the underlying issues.
Claims concerning jakei, a prominent bsky feed builder and bsky poster, were made my Mir, another longtime bsky poster. Specific incidents were not shared, but specified that there were femmes who felt uncomfortable with interactions. Jakei has not responded to the claims, or posted so far today.
Aegis has announced on their bsky account that the labeller's account and blog will be deleted at the end of the week. The code and lists are expected to be archived on github. It's unclear how the lists archive, in particular, will be impacted by github's content removal challenge policies.
Avatar is a 'word on the bsky street' account. Word could be wrong. If I repost or @ your account, and it bothers you, send me a chat, and I'll rephrase and unname you, within bounds of not denying others right to speak up about harmful experiences.
Okay: Starter Packs. This is kind of like invites, but 1. It's a link you can share in the groupchat 2. The link has a really good app-install flow 3. You get a reliable notification when it's used 4. You choose accounts & feeds that the new users will autofollow/pin Mine:
Paul’s Starter Join the conversation
the numbers have changed, but not the mission
There are least 135k users on Bluesky, and one of them is about to fuck up and catch some drama. When they do. You'll find out about here. Unless I'm busy with something else.
The Taurus Shield labeler has abruptly ceased. Early talk is allegations that they added former members of the Aegis team to their team, and this was leaked to a somewhat negative bsky reaction. Developing events, so expect more details to shake out later.
Kairi was a popular poster who maintained a widely used mute and block list. That list was subsumed into aegis blue when labellers were released. Allegations against anonsee, another popular user, sowed conflict, criticism peaked in claims of biased labels.
Aegis blue statement is referencing allegations regarding Anonsee.
Multi-user conflict happened on bsky and discord, as part of conflict, some users pondered bad things would come forward. no direct allegations made. Kairi de-activated account, along with some others. No bsky moderation action occurred. Kairi is ok, and in touch with friends still present on bsky.
The wife guy discourse is about a Hoyt Davidson. Never heard of him, honestly.
Plan on keeping the answers short and sweet, and if it goes unloved, then I'll assume it wasn't that hot a discourse topic after all and remove the post. Feel free to ask questions. No warranties. Refunds available on all membership fees. (there are no membership fees)
Tonight was about Truck Chris and Fazz. There, now go search out the details yourselves, you animals.
Offer still stands. If you have a discourse question, I will give you what I know. I'm just not going to do the work like it's a job for the 2 likes and some insults/block that follows.
Controversky: Much of Bluesky is talking about the need for dedicated moderation/safety staff, sparked by a user with a racial slur as their username.
skyhack: Loooooong cat turns into tricky new post. It would appear David has found a way to either edit an old post, or insert a new post with the old DID (seems more likely). Creative testing of the beta at its best!
imagine if a completely new post could start off with thousands of likes EDIT: hello again, what's hot! EDIT 2: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger Edit 3: Remember to like and subscribe! Edit 4: ok FINE I'll put longcat back...
Skeetcute: Everyone is sharing their lust will and testament tonight with 'If you have a crush on me' posts. Come on bsky, the only skeets guaranteed to miss, are the skeets you don't make.
if you have a crush on me… uh… omg hi… 🥰
BeyondBlue: Stories that inform the bsky mythology. Buttered Jorts Edition
It has come to my attention that some of you don’t know the whole story of Jorts, Jean, Pam, getting buttered… and one earnest question asked by a supervisor “Am I the asshole?” (Don’t miss the updates where it gets really funny)
AITA for “perpetuating ethnic stereotypes” about Jorts? : r/
let me catch you up on the last 24 hours bestie
Controversky: Rebecca Reilly-Cooper has joined Bluesky. She is a Lecturer in Political Theory at Univ. of Warwick, formerly Oxford. She has made statements equating TERF as a slur, and defended discussion of women's issues based on biological only criteria.
Controversky: Helen Lewis, a staff writer for The Atlantic has joined Bluesky. She has written in acknowledgement of harassment of trans people. She has also expressed controversial "concerns about self-ID and its impact on single-sex spaces" that tied trans ID to increases in sexual assaults.
Redsky: Bluesky got DDOSd, and is responding with weasels, as one does. Wait, I thought it was wolverines... anyway.
yeah ok
Previously Blue change: Going to stop actively tracking the new memes. If something particularly big happens I'll put it up, and I'll still happily repost anything you tag me to. Going to focus on more posts about BlueSky lore and Controversky posts. Thanks for helping me find the best use here!
SkyPolicy: Bsky taps the Send Feedback button.
bugs, feature requests, love letters, h̶a̶t̶e̶ m̶a̶i̶l̶? use the Send Feedback button (in the left side menu of app)!! when we had like <100k users it was manageable to respond to people in-app but now all of our notifs are borked and i don't want to leave any of y'all hanging, so use the form pls🙏
Brewinghaha: Umm, bsky is posting hole... no, not that kind. Ok, maybe that kind too, but my filters are up.
this is my posting hole
GetTooled: "Don't be weird online". A social guide thread.
with the help of and i made an incomplete guide to how to make friends in online spaces without inadvertently crossing boundaries. I wrote it with love, knowing that navigating online spaces is hard! i'm no expert but i want to help if I can! (1/18)
GetTooled- Mastodon App Integration Support. Try it, and consider supporting the maker.
Wasn’t expecting this huge bump in users, if you enjoy using the public SkyBridge instance I always appreciate donations to help keep it online!
Just a