Olivier Simard-Casanova

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Olivier Simard-Casanova


French Economist, (soon) Research Associate @univlorraine.bsky.social, en 🇫🇷 and in 🇺🇸 (ex @olivier.simardcasanova.net). Economics, Environment, Transit & Cities, Statistics & #Rstats, Critical Thinking, USA. 🌐 https://www.simardcasanova.net
Xitter aside, Threads has one of the worst "moderation" ever. I just posted this, as a reaction to yet another dumb and homophobic conspiracy theory from Tucker Carlson: www.threads.net/@o_simardcas.... Guess what Meta told me? #MonitoringSocialWeb
Threads is asking me to edit my post because "similar [posts] have been reported" and they want Threads to be "supportive place". Supportive for who? Homophobic conspiracy theorists? And if I understand correctly, it’s against Meta’s terms of service to call out homophobic conspiracy theories?
This setting is really good! Especially if you follow a lot of feeds, which is my case.
J'ai aussi quitté Xitter, et quasiment 15.000 abonnés. Malgré ses (nombreux) défauts, j'ai aimé Twitter, qui a par ailleurs complètement transformé, souvent pour le meilleur, ma vie professionnelle. Mais ce Twitter-là n'existe plus. Et il ne reviendra pas. olivier.simardcasanova.net/annonce-1/
Je suis tellement content d'avoir quitté cette plate-forme de merde, désormais ouvertement fasciste. Si vous hésitez encore, dites-vous que j'avais un compte à 250.000 abonnés (dont probablement 2/3 de bots ou comptes inactifs après 15 ans de présence) et que ça ne m'a pas manqué une seule seconde.
As expected, the only thing the mob managed to make Jamelle Bouie quit isn’t the New York Times, but Bluesky. Ideological purity is a disease that accomplishes nothing. If Bluesky fails to sideline this mob, I’m afraid the platform will end in a Mastodon situation. www.threads.net/@jbouie/post...
I still have the Xitter app installed on my iPad and the size of their ads for Premium are increasingly bigger. This one occupies more than half of my screen. Am I smelling desperation? #MonitoringSocialWeb
"Trump’s use of violent vocabulary has increased over time—reflecting increasing attention to wars but even more to crime—and now surpasses that of all other democratic politicians we studied" #EconSky
Timeline cleanse. Picture is mine. 📍 Gazon du Faing, Vosges, Lorraine, France 🗓️ May 2021 📸 Apple iPhone XS #photography
Petit quiz historique : à votre avis, quand et pourquoi cette église a-t-elle été détruite ? (La photo est de moi.)
Don't speculate. Don't share unverified information. Don't share unknown accounts. Especially if you have a large audience. Once false information has spread, research shows that it's difficult to correct it effectively. www.threads.net/@ecmclaughli...
Ne spéculez pas. Ne partagez pas d’informations non vérifiées. Ne partagez pas des comptes inconnus. Surtout si vous avez une large audience. Une fois qu’une fausse information s’est diffusée, la recherche montre qu’il est difficile de la corriger efficacement. www.threads.net/@ecmclaughli...
Incredible pictures of the Ariane 6 launch published by the French Air Force.
I forgot to post this on Sunday. #photography 📍 Place Stanislas, Nancy, Lorraine, France
It feels appropriate to share this plot, I think.
Last week, my newsletter highlighted how over 1/3 of premature births are attributed to the mothers' exposure to pollution from fossil fuels. Now, a new study shows air pollution reduces IVF success by 40%. For health reasons alone, fossil fuels need to go. globalnews.ca/news/1060157...
More green energy is powering the globe every daywww.talkingclimate.ca Global renewables surge, fossil fuel and climate change impacts on mothers and babies, and how to prepare for the hurricane season
Très heureux que Estelle Mercier ait été élue dans la 1ère circonscription de Meurthe-et-Moselle, qui plus est avec un tel score. Elle manquera à la majorité municipale de Nancy. Mais à n’en pas douter, elle sera une excellente députée.
Très content également de l’élection de Stéphane Hablot et de la réélection de Dominique Potier.
C’est par contre pénible de voir la circonscription dans laquelle j’ai grandi basculer à l’extrême-droite, alors qu’elle a été une circonscription de gauche pendant des décennies.
A stunning day to save the French Republic one more time. #photography
I find the literature studying the economic effects of narratives so fascinating. This new working paper shows that narratives explained 1/5 of the output variance during the Great Recession! www.nber.org/papers/w32602 #EconSky #MonitoringEconomics
L’Arcom qui rappelle à l’ordre la radio d’extrême-droite Europe 1 pour son traitement partial des législatives. C’est typiquement le genre de contrepouvoir que le RN mettrait au pas s’il prenait le pouvoir.
@mackuba.eu Any idea what happened on Wednesday? Is this an artifact, or a true surge in activity?
Have you ever wanted to learn #Rstats, but you were too busy to dive into it? If so, you can attend one of the upcoming sessions of my acclaimed online 2-days workshop “Getting started with R for busy people”. Learn more here: o.simardcasanova.net/workshops/...#Rstats, but you were too busy to dive into it? If so, you can attend one of the upcoming sessions of my acclaimed online 2-days workshop “Getting started with R for busy people”. Learn more here: o.simardcasanova.net/workshops/...
Update: as of now, 55 centrist candidates withdrew their candidacy, as did 120 left-wing candidates. These numbers probably are close to the worse-case scenario for the far right. www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeur...
D’autant que toutes les triangulaires restantes ne sont pas forcément un risque de voir le RN élu. Celle-ci est une bonne illustration. www.francetvinfo.fr/elections/re...
In Threads’ defense (I am, in fact, not about to defend Threads), I have to say that if there’s one thing that Threads consistently delivers, it’s bugs.