Olivier Simard-Casanova

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Olivier Simard-Casanova


French Economist, (soon) Research Associate @univlorraine.bsky.social, en 🇫🇷 and in 🇺🇸 (ex @olivier.simardcasanova.net). Economics, Environment, Transit & Cities, Statistics & #Rstats, Critical Thinking, USA. 🌐 https://www.simardcasanova
This is what's going on over on X. Friends don't let friends stay there. Tell them how good it is here! (or on Threads! or even on LinkedIn!)
The UK did it. France did it. I’m hopeful the US will also do it in November.
Très heureux que Estelle Mercier ait été élue dans la 1ère circonscription de Meurthe-et-Moselle, qui plus est avec un tel score. Elle manquera à la majorité municipale de Nancy. Mais à n’en pas douter, elle sera une excellente députée.
French people to the far right:
I have an exciting, and unexpected, professional news to share: I’m going back to academia! This fall, I will join the CEREFIGE, a research center in economics and management at @univlorraine.bsky.social in Nancy, as a research associate. Read more here: o.simardcasanova.net/p/da7384fc-...
I have unexpected professional news to share – Announcement #2o.simardcasanova.net I am going back to academia
J’ai une information inattendue à partager : je retourne dans le milieu académique ! À la rentrée, je rejoindrai le CEREFIGE, un laboratoire en science éco et gestion de @univlorraine.bsky.social à Nancy, en tant qu’ingénieur statisticien. Tous les détails : olivier.simardcasanova.net/p/241...
J’ai une information professionnelle inattendue à partager – Annonce 2olivier.simardcasanova.net Je retourne dans le milieu académique
Have you ever wanted to learn #Rstats, but you were too busy to dive into it? If so, you can attend one of the upcoming sessions of my acclaimed online 2-days workshop “Getting started with R for busy people”. Learn more here: o.simardcasanova.net/workshops/...#Rstats, but you were too busy to dive into it? If so, you can attend one of the upcoming sessions of my acclaimed online 2-days workshop “Getting started with R for busy people”. Learn more here: o.simardcasanova.net/workshops/...
Not the worst place to have ice cream. #photography
A stunning day to save the French Republic one more time. #photography
I find the literature studying the economic effects of narratives so fascinating. This new working paper shows that narratives explained 1/5 of the output variance during the Great Recession! www.nber.org/papers/w32602 #EconSky #MonitoringEconomics
This is the first of what I hope will be a long series of annual summer workshops at ZEW Mannheim The program is a testament of the breadth and top quality of economics research here at the centre. #EconSky Orga: Irene Bertschek, Tabea Bucher-Koenen
Sous les attaques de l’extrême-droite, la liberté académique est en recul aux États-Unis. Un recul notamment causé par des élus républicains, qui utilisent l’État pour attaquer les scientifiques dont les travaux mettent en évidence leurs fadaises. L’ED est l’ennemie de la vérité et de la science.
L’Arcom qui rappelle à l’ordre la radio d’extrême-droite Europe 1 pour son traitement partial des législatives. C’est typiquement le genre de contrepouvoir que le RN mettrait au pas s’il prenait le pouvoir.
@mackuba.eu Any idea what happened on Wednesday? Is this an artifact, or a true surge in activity?
This is an appalling and horrifying story about the attacks researchers like @katestarbird.bsky.social undergo by those determined to silence any who call out their disinformation and other underhanded tactics. Very similar to what climate scientists experience but with even MORE vitriol.
Nature spoke to political scientists from around the world whose work has flung them into both the public and political limelight, sometimes with drastic consequences for their personal and professional lives. 🧪
‘It can feel like there’s no way out’ — political scientists face pushback on their workgo.nature.com In a year in which numerous countries are going to the polls, many election-watching scientists are under pressure. In a year in which numerous countries are going to the polls, many election-watching...
I have an exciting, and unexpected, professional news to share: I’m going back to academia! This fall, I will join the CEREFIGE, a research center in economics and management at @univlorraine.bsky.social in Nancy, as a research associate. Read more here: o.simardcasanova.net/p/da7384fc-...
I have unexpected professional news to share – Announcement #2o.simardcasanova.net I am going back to academia
J’ai une information inattendue à partager : je retourne dans le milieu académique ! À la rentrée, je rejoindrai le CEREFIGE, un laboratoire en science éco et gestion de @univlorraine.bsky.social à Nancy, en tant qu’ingénieur statisticien. Tous les détails : olivier.simardcasanova.net/p/241...
J’ai une information professionnelle inattendue à partager – Annonce 2olivier.simardcasanova.net Je retourne dans le milieu académique
I really do believe that most people are basically good, mean well, and want to have a positive impact on the world
- The UK: Look, the new PM was nominated in just a few hours! - France watching this:
🚨 BREAKING: Labour leader Keir Starmer has officially become the new British prime minister. Follow our live blog for updates: trib.al/nM0vuI4
APPEL À TÉMOIGNAGE ! Le week-end du 12-13 octobre aura lieu le festival PodParis. J’y enregistrerai une émission en public pendant laquelle j’échangerai avec 2 personnes qui ont été élevées dans la spiritualité New Age et qui en sont revenues. 👇
When you have to wait a little bit longer before sharing some important, unexpected, and particularly positive news:
Quand tu dois attendre encore un peu avant de partager une information importante, inattendue et particulièrement positive :
The election-before-and-after Sankey is arguably the best Sankey, its most natural habitat, like a perfectly-fitting glove. This one made by Narottam Medhora at The Times (💰https://www.thetimes.com/uk/politics/article/general-election-2024-results-map-charts-seats-mps-dnr5j72r9)
6 million users.
If you subscribe to a newsletter but later change your mind, just email the author and ask for a refund. Most of us will give you one. Really tired of people canceling by filing "fraud" disputes with their banks over a $6 charge. I get charged $15 for each dispute, whether I win or lose.
Comment ça, un parti antisémite présente des candidats antisémites aux élections ? Vraiment, quelle surprise. C’est très inattendu. Personne ne l’avait vu venir.
Bardella : non mais ok il y a quelques brebis galeuses dans nos rangs. Mais on n'est pas raciste ! La preuve on fait le ménage ! Pendant ce temps quand on tend un micro a n'importe qui du RN (de plus bardella a tenu les mêmes propos il y a quelques temps ...) www.bfmtv.com/alsace/legis...
Législatives: pour le RN Laurent Gnaedig, les propos de Jean-Marie Le Pen sur les chambres à gaz "n'étaient pas une remarque antisémite"www.bfmtv.com Laurent Gnaedig, candidat du Rassemblement national dans la 1ere circonscription du Haut-Rhin, estime que Jean-Marie Le Pen a fait un "mauvais choix de mots" en qualifiant les chambres à gaz de "point...
Trust me, you don’t want to hear my opinion about pistachios.
British elections are wild
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava