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“Not *too* many regrets.”

I am into nature, music, art, reading, the cosmos, and water (swimming, sailing, etc), and most of all my lovely wife and children.

Cognitive scientist, AI and human intelligence researcher. Ph.D. student in Informatics.

Vive la France! (Now I can go to bed)
I am at a café in Germany with a big TV outside having a beer with my son (he’s 10 and having orangina), and we are watching Germany play Spain in the Euro ‘24 tournament. This is borderline unbeatable (as long as Germany wins).
Reposted byAvatar Oden
Reposted byAvatar Oden
Yay! I found out today that an article I submitted to a conference was accepted for publication. A conference paper is not much, but every little success is good! 😊
Please don’t come to my house if you are not going to take your shoes off. Of course this is extremely weird to me. Swedes would be mortified to wear their shoes in someone else’s house!
I do not like anybody enough to permit them to wear shoes in my house
Reposted byAvatar Oden
listen all y'all, it's a
If AI could replace c-suite employees, then the economy could save *a lot* of money at the cost of only a small number of jobs. This seems like the optimal first target for AI.
The Johannes berries from my garden are very tasty this year.
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass deutsche Sprecher in letzter Zeit anfangen, #AI mehr als #KI zu schreiben.
Reposted byAvatar Oden
2026 isn't a real year, anyways, who is Ubisoft trying to fool. penny-arcade.com/comic/2024/0...
Reposted byAvatar Oden
On June 9, 2023, the sea surface temperature averaged over the North Atlantic was 3.6 standard deviations above the mean (based on the 1991-2020 climatology). On June 9, 2024, it's 4.1 standard deviations above the mean. A 1991-2020 climatology already looks irrelevant and outdated. 🤯
Reposted byAvatar Oden
Okay, Taylor. It’s either HIM or ME.
Enough with the gratitude. Get back to the comics mines! Those comics aren’t going to extract themselves. (You haven’t made a comic extraction machine have you?) Please, everybody, if you support Jon, then he can get back to work. Our supplies of comics are getting dangerously low!
I'm overwhelmed by the response to this so far, thank you to all the new patrons and all the old patrons who have bumped their pledge a bit. I'm not there yet but a couple more days like the last one would help a lot. Please become a patron today! www.patreon.com/jonrosenberg
Please, we can’t let Jon have survived Siamese twin separation surgery only to lose him to capitalism!
Please, if you have ever liked my comics and would like to support me in continuing to make them, throw a couple of bucks at my Patreon. I need your help. www.patreon.com/jonrosenberg
Get more from Jonathan Rosenberg on Patreonwww.patreon.com creating Comics
Today I watched a couple of German police officers at a fast food restaurant try to big foot their order faster. I could not hear, but it seemed like they were acting as if they had just gotten a dispatch call. The counter woman was like 🤷 and they waited about as long as everyone else in line.
Think of it this way: a language model has approximately the same relationship to AI as a pie chart about pies has to an actual pie.
Russia, North Korea, and Iran are provably in cooperation. China is likely (surely) in cooperation with these others. Why do some IS Republican politicians count the rest as their enemies or at least rivals while counting Russia as their friend and partner? I am genuinely curious about this.
Reposted byAvatar Oden
Nobody gets to vote for perfect politicians. Everybody has to sacrifice some amount of preference. The choice we face is always—always—to choose the least worst option. That is a deeply personal decision. It is a mistake, though, to choose the worst option when the least worst option is not perfect.
I cannot possibly like this hard enough.
Hell. You are describing hell. Nobody wants an “interactive and engaging” dishwasher. They just want their dishes cleaned. www.forbes.com/sites/bernar...
Generative AI, e.g. ChatGPT and llama-like models, are essentially Truth By Reddit Consensus. And I am just not sure that is really where we want to be.
The problem with many young people is that they think old people are stupid and ridiculous and the problem with many old people is that they think young people are stupid and ridiculous. And they are both just wrong.
China telegraphing aggressive foreign policy is worrying, but they have not violated the peace. We should give them the benefit of doubt. We should prepare for conflict, but we should encourage China to keep the peace. Russia has violated international peace. It is the current threat in the world.
Moneygrubbers should never be elected to high political office.
From the dude who had to ask his wife if wap was real, and she assured him it was not? Shouldn’t she be presenting this instead?
Good news everybody, your cousin who hits on you and your uncle who feels your thigh up under the table at family dinners want to talk to you about sexual boredom
Good. This stuff is not even close to AGI, but nevertheless has extreme power to be damaging. Efforts to understand and regulate AI and misinformation should be as international as possible though, not just the ultra-big players.
US companies and Chinese experts engaged in secret diplomacy on AI safetywww.ft.com OpenAI, Anthropic and Cohere held back-channel talks with Chinese state-backed groups in Geneva