
I’ve told this story here before, but when my mom was a fledgling reporter she had to interview David Duke. Her name, at the time, didn’t betray her Korean heritage. When she showed up to the interview, Duke said, “if I’d known you were a g**k I’d have refused to meet with you.”
I like Wikipedia description of David Duke. The last bit feels at home with the rest. "White supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, member of the Republican Party."
Alex Haley had almost the exact same experience with the KKK leader. He called to set up an interview, and the guy asked if he was Jewish. Since he was not, he got the interview. They'd never even considered the possibility that he might be Black.
Jeeeesus. I want to endlessly poke him with toothpicks.
i think burying him alive might make this world a better place personally