
Proof that you can be an academic with high credentials and be ignorant af. No, boo fanfiction by definition predates the internet by THOUSANDS OF YEARS. People were writing RPF in ancient times. And don't get me started on the Sherlock book fandom which is fucking ancient. 🧵
But if you want proof that is more recent then you really should check out the Kirk/Spock fanzines that were chocked full of fanfic in the goddamn SIXTIES! JFC, as an academic you should know when making a statement like that you should CITE YOUR GODDAMN SOURCES!
I learned about fanfic from an ACADEMIC article about K/S (Constance Penley, Cultural Studies, Routledge 1992!!!) that was included in a college syllabus (with! illustrations!). there are receipts.
I learned about fanfic and fanzines in 1980, when The Empire Strikes Back came out. :insert "I was there, Gandalf" gif I don't have time to look for:
"gif I don't have time to look for" is such a mood
we need a notation for gifs like the one they have for choreography or something
I've seen the point made elsewhere that we all basically speak Tamarian now.
I thought I had learned about fanfic in the 1980s, then later realized that STAR TREK: THE NEW VOYAGES, which I had read as a kid in the ’70s, was an officially-published collection including some stories that had originally appeared in fanzines.
I learned about it around the same time when my library got some of the Best of Trek paperbacks with parody Trek fics in them. I immediately started writing Star Wars fics around Princess Playa Piano.
I knew about "faanfic", fiction about fans, as occasional features in 60s/70s fanzines, but it was only after Star Trek fandom took off that I began to see NSFW stories & art. (Wife was into Trek-zines for a while. Even wrote a story with a Kirk/Spock/Uhura threesome. Pretty hot, if I may say so.)