
got COVID for the first time this past week. tons of conflicting information on returning to exercise - some say wait as long as 2 weeks, others say as needed, few distinguish between lifting and more cardio demanding sports. anybody have a source they trust on these questions?
I think I was already summoned here, but there IS a difference between cardio vs strength training. I'd hold off on cardio longer. However, there are not hard and fast rules beyond backing off if/when you feel worse when you do it.
And wait at least 24 hours to judge your response: there is often a characteristic delay between pushing too hard and payback.
this is helpful. Yeah I think keeping my reps / overall volume low and taking time in between training sessions to gauge recovery feels like the move
much appreciated! and will read this
Chiming in from the school of didn’t listen to your body- as you gauge impact, just remember this is not a push through to the other side virus. It’s very counterintuitive to those of us who lift etc. Hang in there and mask up if you’re at the gym!
Also wouldn’t hurt to get a pulse ox to make sure you’re oxygen saturation is normal when you get back to exercising