
“Why won’t those coloreds over there abandon their tight knit communities to come be with us non-Nazi whites” is definitely a question that should cause some introspection, and yet.
imho “there are nazis on twitter” shouldn’t make you shame ppl for not abandoning twitter it should make you want to have a long hard think about why a lot of Black and Asian people still prefer twitter over bluesky
It would be wildly insane for someone to say something like that.
Racism doesn't require a drop of mental illness. Not one. That's ableist. FYI.
The takeaway is not, "Yes, this statement is true." The takeaway is, "Oh, I should delete my post that uses the word 'insane' because it's ableist and harmful to mentally ill people to suggest that racism is equated with mental illness."
Or at this point, leave it up with an apology so the context is clear.
Honestly, I don't think this stuff needs to remain up. An apology can be made while deleting the harmful post. No need to harm additional people in the reading of it.
Has its own problems, but we'll take it for now
tbf, this might just be my not-exactly-perfect command of the English language, but there genuinely isn't really a good word to express the complete disconnect from reality a lot of racists (and other people) have, than "insane". In a completely non-medical sense, I mean.
Neither am I. But ask yourself: Why is racism "crazy" when it happens every day to millions of people per second? If something is "crazy," it's expected to be an aberration. Something that happens that often cannot be called an outlier. It doesn't defy logic if it's a regular part of the day.
"Insane" is therefore an unsuitable word, because it's a lie. Therefore, since you want to say "discriminators is bad," you have to make the effort to be more specific about what exactly "bad" means.
Wow. Insane reasoning skills.
You're insulting me. I've been gracious to you. Why?
I'm specifically talking about "insane", and I agree that calling racism either "crazy" or "insane" is bad. I mean, depending on your definition of "rational", racism can be rational! The Nazis considered themselves to be perfectly rational, after all.
Anyway, I have some deeper issues with some inclusive language sometimes, but I certainly don't want to insult/offend you, nor do I expect you to discuss this with some rando (me), so uuh never mind I guess :D I definitely work on using it less, let's leave it at that.
The glorification of pure rationality ignores the importance of empathy and courage, including the courage to be curious and open minded. Far-right ideologies cannot be countered with half of humanity's "philosophical toolbox."
Be more precise. Don't be ableist because it's hard to find a word. You obviously have the internet. Look it up. Acting like it's weird for Black people to stay with their Black community when this site has ignored their safety is absurd. It is uninformed. It is lacking in understanding.
Oh, I was *only* talking about the word, not black communities or anything. I do think that, on the whole, not leaving Twitter is *bad*, but it's "bad" in the same time as ordering stuff off Amazon is bad - very often de facto unavoidable.
Context is a thing, but regardless, using the word "insane" like it was used up thread is ableist and not that hard to improve upon. We've got the whole internet right here in our hands.
Yeah that's a good point. Sorry, it's a bad habbit of mine to sometimes comment on social media conversations between people I don't really know, lol. At least I always do it in good faith, honest!