
imho “there are nazis on twitter” shouldn’t make you shame ppl for not abandoning twitter it should make you want to have a long hard think about why a lot of Black and Asian people still prefer twitter over bluesky
i like and use this site but almost every day i do i see wild, unhinged instances of antiblack and anti asian racism and talking about it does exactly nothing so tell me more about the racism on twitter and twitter only
fyi this is what started this conversation for me today:
Yeah people acting as if there wasn’t a harassment campaign to push Black people away from this site and then turn around and wonder why Black are still using Twitter, like come on man.
Tangentially related (and not to speak over this conversation) in October a lot of people who spoke about Palestine left- partially because Twitter was genuinely a way better place to get information (which isn’t really this place’s fault that’s just size) but also because of the… vibe
i honestly see this as directly related given the breakdown of people who are vocal about palestine (esp early on) and the islamophobia inside white liberal spaces too
Yes- I also think there was this idea that you couldn’t really show up with your full self if it made people uncomfortable sometimes?
totally like weird toxic positivity vibes
Yup. I look around at the demographics of people who have been speaking out for Palestine and the demographics of people either shouting us down either because they're Zionists or because they want us to just shut up and vote for Biden and it's painfully obvious.
I think I understand the Bluesky part, but isn’t that happening millions of times an hour on twitter? It’s got to be worse for the people the nazis target the most than it was for me, and it was unbearable for me.
a couple things: 1st, if you get piled on on twitter you still have a ton of your people to come back you up. that doesn't happen on here bc there aren't enough poc. 2nd, the effect of no one giving a shit about Black and Asian people is amplified more because this site is still smaller,
ppl still have a sense of there being a dominant culture here and unless the site gets much, much bigger that's not going to go away. 3rd, when twitter nazis troll you it's horrible but lacks credibility. here, there are nazis trolling you *and* a lot of white liberals who think they're good people.
white liberals who go ape shit if you point out maybe they did a racism, who will then get all their white liberal friends to flock to your mentions. the fragility here is off the charts and again, not unlike twitter, but much emphasized due to the size and the leading demographic.
White libs need to learn that when their racism is pointed out to them, ESPECIALLY BY A MINORITY COMMUNITY MEMBER, "fuck you, enjoy the camps" isn't the best response.
Wym I love knowing that if I piss off the wrong white person here I'm gonna wind up screenshot in a dozen predominately white group chats
that last part I can personally attest to. People just, acted like the nazis weren't going to follow us here or that we did a good job keeping them out (the arrogance)? And Bluesky's not invite-only anymore.
Plus the weird despots who moderate.
Also, you can *lock* your twitter account, which cuts down on the unwelcome randos a lot - can't do that here, yet
I've noticed Black people i follow leaving here for months, but I also feel like my own bad experiences on Twitter are less common here. The right takeaway has to be that we're not having the same experience, not that they're misunderstanding something
I feel like in my personal experience, I can avoid Nazis on Twitter & Bluesky by treating them like poisonous spiders and avoiding topics/corners of the app that would draw them to me. It's not foolproof, doesn't work for everyone, but it's much harder to avoid white liberal racism here or Twitter.
No, I have come across ZERO Nazis during my entire time on Twitter. Not saying they aren't there, but I damn sure don't spend my time on social media looking for people I DON'T LIKE. At worst, I would hear about the occasional sex pest getting outed and piled on, and there was a Black FGC Trump fan.
Being "not a Nazi" is an incredibly low-bar for anti-racist allies. Also the whole contempt for personal choices people make about which social media platform they enjoy? Why? because they're looking to have some sort of benefit/attention that they're not getting? Weird.
Time to push back against anti-black and anti-asian racism on this site.
yess amp up Black and Asian people when we post about it and not just the large accounts!
Sounds like a plan to me ❤️
And to your point, I've been on twitter for 13 years, whereas I've been here for like, almost -A- year, and there's been way more bigot nonsense on my feed here than there EVER was on my Twitter feed. (Even though it showed up for me by way of people I follow discussing / fighting it, but still)
Absolutely this. I had curated my way into muting and blocking hateful content and didn't see much of it. I could control my experience much better. Here, I see people immediately whip out death threats in response to minor political misunderstandings every day & nobody acts like it's harassment.
I'm Filipino and Jewish, being told that people are relishing the notion of me being murdered in a death camp because I am guilty by association of ideological impurity was ABSOLUTELY received as racist hate speech on Twitter, that shit was a block and report offense communally. Here? Lol.
But meghan we have ✨labels✨, who needs actual moderation
This is such a funny argument every time it comes up, like there’s some perfect nazi-less utopian website completely scrubbed of racism.
also just bc the racism on here tends toward the liberal kind doesn’t make it any less harmful! people think white liberal spaces are safe for people of color they aren’t lmao
Shhh. You’re wrecking the fantasy. (Yeah, every time they float that shit I want to die.)
since we’re just saying all the stuff i’ll mention voting season really brings it out in people too
This is part of why voting seasons need to be shorter. So we don’t have to do ten fucking months of “enjoy the camps!”
Canada’s elections are about six weeks and it’s a major factor in keeping us less insane 👍🏼
i don’t know why we can’t just vote today. im ready!
This reform would adversely impact the political campaign consultancy industry; therefore it is impossible to implement this reform in the USA
I prefer bluesky to Twitter because of the aggressive blocking function. That's it. Getting to nuke a thread before a pile on is fantastic
Yup. Love the blocking. Also a huge fan on seeing people’s posts instead of weird ads. And people try to be entertaining on here instead of posting fake video footage. That’s it.
Yes and I don't like Twitter putting trolls at the top of replies. Bluesky has a better user interface for me, but these folks act like this makes me morally superior! Grrr
There you go spittin' real shit again...
Honest truth: My family, on both sides, left the South (Mississippi and Arkansas) in the 60s for a better life in the PNW. I moved overseas in 2019 for the same reason. People always ask me when I'm coming back and I'm running out of excuses and deflections.
as someone who lived in seattle for 11 years i feel this and i'm glad for you
If being followed around an REI and glared at by employees while you’re trying to look at shoes was a city it would be Seattle.