
More than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library due to the publishers’ lawsuit, including more than 1,300 banned and challenged titles. 📚🕳️ Sign our open letter to the publishers urging them to restore access to these books. 📖✍️ #LetReadersRead 👉
How about paying authors a fair price for the books you lend
Please leave the internet archive alone, they are desperately trying to save our cultural knowledge from the digital maw. They are librarians. Go after profit obsessed publishers and big tech instead
How about both things can be true at the same time. The internet archive does extremely important work but is wrong on this specific subject
Here is the grown up version. These a bigger issues than just the Internet Archive. Library systems all over the world now rely on mostly one product for digital lending, Overdrive. Recently Overdrive was sold to a so-called vulture fund. This puts all of our cultural history at great risk. 1/
For hundreds of years publishers, libraries and readers existed in a delicate and nourishing ecosystem. This is now all under threat by rapacious, extractive content farms who will hoover up all this content, and then just delete entire archives on a whim, leaving AI chum in its place. 2/
In a nightmarish digital world of AI hallucinations and meglamanicterabytes worth of useless AI chum - the only place to find the original, unaltered material will end up being the Internet Archive. 3/