
[takes a drag off a candy cigarette] I don't like to go negative, but... -American Beauty. I will go to my grave spitting nails at this movie. -Quarantine. Possibly my most hated movie. Unpleasant nothing. -Summer's Blood. Ugly & hateful & GTFO. -Mystic River. MORE SEAN PENN OVERACTING, PLEASE.
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise. 🎥 #Filmsky
American Beauty is, indeed, very bad!
Even if you're grading it on a curve, holy shit, it sucks so bad. It's not even "so bad that it loops back around to being good" bad. It's "so bad that it becomes even worse by the time you finished this sentence" bad.
I've never seen it but most of the people I know who like it... I am not super into their fiction tastes would be the nicest way I could put it (and is part of the reason I have never seen it)
You are missing *nothing.* There's an entire universe of film that's light-years beyond American Beauty.
I have debated what I am certain would be a hate watch a few times but then I always think "but I have other ways to spend two hours" LOL
Heh! :D You've got the right idea, making better use of two hours, aye.
I’m watching Nightmare at Noon and then I’m going to stare into space for 25 minutes, and it will be a way better use of 2 hours
Hah! I like where your head's at there! :D
Floating plastic bag has nothing on this
Random delightful fact. Blade Runner players Brion James and Edward James Olmos were in the same episode of Miami Vice but had no scenes together.
But neither of them were in Nightmare at Noon
Is it not this one? "A mad albino scientist (Brion James) injects a substance into the water supply for the fictional town of Canyonland, an isolated town in rural Utah, with the help of a shadowy, unknown agency."
OH yeah! I didn’t recognize him with the albino makeup