Orange Chuck

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Orange Chuck

I love anything Syracuse and positivity. No here to fight or for drama though occasional respectful discussion is okay.
Anyone good at writing humor (possibly with writing experience since I don’t) interested in partnering up on a sports themed story idea I’ve written but lacks any humor?
If this app crashes, would anyone else want to sing, “BlueSky’s smiling at me…nothing but BlueSky do I see.”? Yeah I’m old 😂
Being called sir and ma’am is not an insult or someone calling you old. For the love of all things holy, most using those terms are trying to show you respect & you acting insulted is just another way to find more reasons to separate us. Just accept it as a sign of respect and move on.
I may not be able to change the world but I can at least do my best to make a positive difference whenever I can and wherever I can.
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My youngest sister is one of the high school teachers at a center for kids with spinal injuries. This is how she decorated her office door.
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We’re in the longest night of the year, happy winter solstice!
I am just not a fries or onion rings or whatever guy on my burgers or roast beef…content with them as a side. But having said that, if this is your thing, might be good to try.
Oh no. In the alternative: "Shirley! Clear my schedule! Hold my calls!"
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I don’t watch sports for analytics or stats. I don’t watch sports for armchair quarterbacking. I watch sports because it’s a form of entertainment to forget about life for a while and to just root for my team. I watch to support a team I love. Go Orange!
I found it! I found the ending to my book/screenplay finally!!!
Things that might make you smile today:
Deleted that other app. Tired of the constant negativity and hate, racism, misogyny and homophobia tweets. Got enough issues in my life without adding more unwanted & unnecessary drama & stress. Love to see a site like this grow & prosper where we support each other and our differences & neighbors.
I work with immigrants…many of which are hard workers who their best to be good people and speak the best English they can. I come from immigrants…my father’s father came here from Italy as a child. I support and love people of all nationalities trying to make the best life possible.
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Powerball jackpot rises to $1.4 billion, one of the biggest ever
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banning books as a method of enforcing moral puritanism feels so outdated. lady your kid is on tumblr reading about sex acts that would kill Aphrodite
What if, and hear me out here, even if we disagree sometimes, we used social media to help each other and when we disagree, we did so respectfully or just ignored it/blocked it? We do have it in all of us to be caring & compassionate people & not allow those with selfish intentions to divide us.
It’s my belief that if you want positive results, posting negative comments won’t help. Be realistic is fine and we can’t all always be happy and positive but if you are constantly negative or negative towards someone, don’t be shocked if that doesn’t produce positive results.
When dad passed away, I took over caregiving duties for mom with Alzheimer’s & one of the first things I did was eliminate 24 hour news networks and serious talk shows and concentrated on comedies & musicals and I truly believe it helped her be happier. Sometimes turn off the news & talking heads.
Pro-tip: change the content controls on home cable systems so technologically challenged folks can’t access Fox. You might just save them from being sucked in further.