
Guidance for US people trying to understand the UK election results later: Tories under 150 seats: LOL Tories under 120 seats: LMAO Tories under 100 seats: ROFL
The absolute funniest thing would be a pro-EU prime minister decides to let the people decide in a non-binding referendum which starts EU reentry negotiations.
He's 61. Getting back into the EU is a 20 year project of cultural and political change, not to mention negotiation. So he's probably not wrong.
No, it's not exactly hope and change. As far as I can tell the manifesto is either "no change", or "we're going to do this thing that doesn't require us to spend money", which I am extremely sceptical of, or transphobia
Well, transphobia requires a lot less money than say helping families out by abolishing the two-kid cap on Child Benefit. I have a mostly decent MP whom I expect to be returned. Planning to start with “don’t make me hold your feet to the fire on this one”.
I keep saying that the Tories have absolutely screwed the UK's finances so badly it's going to take a decade to get back to normality. I do not envy his job, it will be uphill every step of the way. Does not excuse the transphobia though, deeply disappointed at that.
Yeah. I think righting things is a long slog. I am planning to write to my Labour MP about the transphobia, with some facts. I don’t know if it will move things but it’s the least I can do.
Yup. The election is a starting point, not the end.
Definitely helps. It's the little actions between elections that often make the difference. The feedback in the mechanism is us grumpy electorate that are bothered to get in touch.