
ChatGPT can now accurately tell you who I am, but if you ask it to recommend some articles, it will continuously generate a string of pieces I have never actually written instead of retrieving real ones from the Internet. On this last round, one was called "The Case for Political Violence."
Did I ever tell you all about the time someone introduced me, at a large event, with erroneous info because they had “asked” ChatGPT for my bio?
Genuinely don't know what's so hard for people using and pushing this tech to understand about this. The companies have an incentive to mislead here, yes, but for everyone's not complicated!
Generative AI does not answer questions, it generates an answer, and it's going to take some people a decade to figure out the important difference.
One good thing I cite is that this all is gonna make people actually skeptical of computers/models/algos etc. That’s upside of calling them hallucinations, really does work to unlock recognition in people that computers have glitches. People just need to use some more. (Though it’s only incremental)
I mean, this extends to pretty much all of computers and science. Because of semantic issues, people assume they’re able to do very different things than they can. We need to acknowledge, get better.
I mean, we’re all still working on groking that newtonian physics does not really produce what it says without the important caveats. We need people thinking about the caveats more
As usual, maybe not much hope on the positive outcome here from people playing with this stuff, but do have some faith is possible. It’s a live human general intelligence
The stuff people want them to do is also "hallucinations" but it's a term chosen to suggest agency.
See the downside there but people may be better off assuming some agency
Not because true, but will keep them on toes at least