
Most of the ‘Biden should step aside’ stuff is just media driven in case you still don’t know. His supporters who see it and echo it in earnest are just showing us what we already knew anyway. That their moral standing is flimsy and their modus operandi is fear driven.
Of course he should not quit. A Republican would never stop backing their guy just because he can’t talk good. We learned that from W. The real scary issue is that Democrats have historically demonstrated a tendency to bow to outside pressure. That’s why they got old boy from SNL up outta there.
We learned that from Reagan!
The GOP are backing a literal convicted felon who is all of three years younger than Biden and, while apparently capable of being yellier at times, is no more coherent and frankly a good deal less so if you actually pay attention to, you know, content.
and the next person who "but we're betters" can tell it to someone else. We're ALREADY better by dint of not being fucking fascists. What are you trying to prove, and to whom?
The spasm of cowardice is astonishing, maybe I shouldn't be surprised by it but I am. Take a few breaths, assess the whole picture -- he is observably, demonstrably highly capable -- and figure out how to position your go-forward message (which is a pretty simple task, imho.)
If Biden was that bad to them, they'd ask him to resign now since he is the president. But I don't think they want Harris to become the president.
Seeing it IRL. Friends going with the Newsome/Michelle Obama ticket. When I said that was nonsensical was accused of not liking Michelle....not the whole "how would this work?" aspect.
Given the fact that Michelle a) has never held elected office even for town dogcatcher, b) has no political or policy background or experience, and c) has explicitly stated she wants nothing to do with politics -- what is the rationale for choosing her beyond "she's the nice neighborhood mom"?
I saw the same "dream ticket" and was like can you articulate a single domestic and foreign policy position that either of those two people have, just one of each, four total? Or did you just see a name on TV once?