Bill Hill

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Bill Hill

Living it up in the Northern Ozarks.
Right, he was under his own guidance and had built-in resources to make amendments for far longer than Fred Trump had access to him. I figured out how to be an adult without access to much of anything and so could he if he gave a damn about anybody but himself.
He’s trying to collect his legal fees, have sympathy everybody.
I think that was part of the VP screening protocol.
Medal of Honor at minimum.
Well, it’s just 24 hours. Beltway campaign consultants had to wash down a couple $12 lattes to get geared up.
We’re not split. The only split is the one touted by garbage feeds like yours.
The reason I stopped giving them my money. AG Sulzberger in a word.
Well, there’s always SCOTUS.
Hell yeah from the Ozarks! I’m not finding people around me doing all this handwringing about Biden. They know what to do on Election Day, come Hell or high water.
Yeah, I’m not sure that Vance is some kind of pull for a demographic that trump is running lean on which is basically everything but white guys about Vance’s age and older. Vance has put in time on his knees groveling obsequiously tho. That’s top o’ the list.
I did so as well earlier in the month. No need to pay for political campaign advertising when it’s free elsewhere.
I’m sure the hive mind has been at work.
20XX: NPR laps up the pivot like a junkyard dog. They’re doing it today, again.
It’s straight out of banana republic. I’m coming to terms in my mental framework to absorb this kind of action. I’m sure it happens in small ways all the time but to see it on the big stage is mentally gobsmacking for someone like me whose highest infraction has been occasional parking tickets.
She’s made a complete mess of the case for months. I’m just a village idiot but seems to me that calling this into question at this late date begs question from higher authority. If her claim is true now, it was true months ago. It feels so illogical.
My thought exactly. Was there some recent action by SCOTUS that gave her a ramp to do this?
Yes, where I can, I avoid spending money on these people.
Yeah, I love how they tell us to “self care” while gaslighting our minds.
He’d have to string together coherent phrases to message this. He can’t do that. He can’t even track a teleprompter.
Somebody got the brownie recipe wrong.
Right now, stenographers on NPR are repeating trump campaign claims that they are shifting messaging to unifying the nation.
Why is she doing this now? If she believes Smith’s appointment to be invalid, it was invalid from the beginning. Is this late game maneuver due to recent murmurings from Thomas?
Well, this is presumably the Biden campaign reaction. And I think this pause will be brief. It better be. I know some other people are echoing the sentiment but as you point out, goldfish move on.
I just read some of the accounts of gate crashing and lack of preparation is screaming out loud.
It’s all about fealty & groveling with a dose of crawling about on the floor.
That’s the trumpwear tent britches look. Hides diapers above.
Damn that’s a great turn of phrase. I’m gonna adopt that.