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they're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one / so light me up / go ahead and light me up
he should just walk out and announce drone strikes on Mar-a-Lago
Reposted byAvatar shauna
i'm getting so, so tired of the doomerism on here, and the press loves covering shit like a horse race instead of explaining fundamentals and what's at play, a job that seems to fall to on here. so here's a thread about why i'd rather be biden — yes, biden — right now
Reposted byAvatar shauna
The GOP SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, summed up.
meanwhile, somewhere …
forgot his birthday on June 25th but I think it’s important to stop and acknowledge it. man, I miss him.
turns out a guy can only offer so many horses before it finally catches up to him
somewhere there’s a clown in a sewer who’s like “CHRIST man you scared me to death”
they came for Dolly. we ride at dawn.
first they came for Steve Bannon and we said “cool, what took you so long”
I don’t suppose it ever occurred to republicans mewling we’re just playing the reproductive card for votes that they could give us what we want and take it away from us lol nah
Reposted byAvatar shauna
wild results here, the biden economy is cratering
Reposted byAvatar shauna
The timeline right now looks like an Ewok party after the Death Star exploded
only Donald Trump could push a big story about calling a Black man the n-word out of the news by being convicted of 34 felonies
if I were single “no lighters, no water bottles, no noisy chickens” would be the entirety of my tinder profile
oh so Scottie Scheffler gets arrested and suddenly everyone is Very Concerned about overzealous policing
the only thing I want AI to do is give me something that will block all the other AI
Reposted byAvatar shauna
when characters are shown walking their dog but do not show them waiting patiently for twenty minutes as the dog carefully searches for the perfect place to poo and then someone rides by on a bicycle and the dog has to start over with the careful search do these directors even have a dog
what is your biggest cinematic pet peeve? one of mine is when characters brush teeth w/o toothpaste and suds
if she taunts him into taking the stand we should put her face on money
by god if you ask a woman to dinner you need to goddamn feed her. we don’t forget that shit.
it’s really fucking stunning that Trump’s lawyers browbeat Stormy Daniels about what a slut she is and then tried to get the case thrown out because she said too much about what a slut she is
Reposted byAvatar shauna
had to check the date on this post to see if it was from 1971
We're now up to 21 jurisdictions (20 states + New York City) reporting measles cases so far this year, already more than all of last year (19 states + D.C.) CDC totals 131 measles cases reported to agency through May 2, 2024, up from 128 last week
Reposted byAvatar shauna
This is my favorite photo of a stranger’s friend’s shih tzu, Tucker. TUCKER💕
This is my favorite photo of my friend's shih tzu, Tucker.
this was written with MadLibs and you will not convince me otherwise
well there’s 3 of the 5 brain worms accounted for right there
Reposted byAvatar shauna
I’m visiting the Lawrence Public Library and found what is possibly the strongest opener for any book ever
in response Christ got a lawyer and filed a restraining order
Reposted byAvatar shauna
i think a pretty fun joke would be for every astronomy professor in the world to cash out their savings accounts on the same day and then just like hide for three weeks.
Reposted byAvatar shauna
Trump is the greatest fantasy of the mediocre white man. He's living the dream: rich, powerful, unaccountable and need not put any effort into anything, he blurts out whatever comes to mind and everyone has to pretend it's true and clever and such a good idea, sir.
seems very much part of the idea that Trump is consciously a celebration of white mediocrity. “we can be shit and look like shit and still occupy the most powerful office in the world, and you, ordinary white mediocrity, can live vicariously through me.”
was walking the dogs and saw a car with a woman and a screaming toddler and suddenly a guy ran out from the corner store yelling I GOT EM I GOT EM while holding a bag of goldfish crackers over his head and I got the hell outta the way because I know an emergency when I see one