
Incredibly embarrassing to learn that most of the garbage people are my age, which means they're from the old internet, too. You'd think that Lowtax dying broke, friendless, and disgraced would have illustrated where the "lol Imma hurt you" life leads, but some folks just have to see for themselves.
The same kind of people who derided The September That Never Ended.
I was there the night Lowtax got canceled and I was there the night he went the Hemmingway and I'll say that he brought a lot of people together but not the way that he might have wanted.
I think the most succinct response I saw was something like "Lowtax was a comedy genius, a huge influence on me as a person, and I hope he rots in hell."
That’s how I remember a few folks who were active in FYAD reflect on Lowtax’s passing.
There was a joke about how all the old 4channers grew up and became trans women but apparently they didn’t stop being edgy shitshows and it’s not a joke?
The one time in my life I tried to be the online garbage person my ex told everyone I was, I couldn't even do it because it felt absolutely vile. I didn't feel like an untouchable bully, I felt like scum. I don't know how people our age do it, let alone for decades.
reading some of the stuff on something awful (i remember an epic street sweeper thread) was important for me in the chinese-operated genocide of singapura that I found myself in as a dark-skinned immigrant. everything else I got to read was basically government produced/approved.