
The problem, as always, is that the U.S. system is uniquely bad among wealthy democracies.
The people pointing out that nobody can do anything unless Biden decides for himself to step aside are 100% correct. That's the problem.
Other wealthy democracies: Bad leader? Have a vote of no confidence and toss them out. U.S.: You're stuck with this guy for at least four years no matter what. It's called freedom.
That’s a thing that applies to the head of the legislative branch. What you’re describing is executive recall. They’re only a thing in Peru, Ecuador and Japan., two of whom are decidedly not wealthy democracies. Touch grass. Roll around in it.
Just out of curiosity, are you an American?
No and going by your lighting your hair on fire at the first sign of adversity you’re doing a pretty shitty impression of an American too. An old man has a stutter at a June debate and you’re already fitting Pennsylvania Avenue for the Trump Reich inaugural. Put some steel in your spine.
I get that you’re traumatized by 2016 but Americans don’t turn into quivering jellyfish when the going gets tough. A multiply connvicted conman is threatening your country and you’re actin like there’s nothing you can do. You can. Swiching candidates is playing into the bad guy’s hands.
You rally around the flag, call your local field office or district office and say not on my watch. You get off your ass and kick these deplorables to the fucking curb. Stop acting like beaten children. The world wants you to succeed. That requires cohesion but you’re pulling in different directions
I mean, I've been saying for a long time that Biden shouldn't run again. But based on someone else's tweet about you being Canadian, I'm curious what you think a vote of no confidence in a prime minister would be.
In a Westminsterial system (CAN, AUS, NZ, UK) the government governs with the confidence of the House of Commons. This is expressed in a majority of votes on most issues (some are minor). If a governing party or coalition loses a vote, the parliament falls and new elections are called. 1/2
Recall is a different mechanism-neither of our countries have it for federal leadership. Trump won 2016 among other reasons because he was an unknown quantity. He's extremely well known now and the people already rejected him once. Be courageous. He's extremely weak despite his bullying bluster.
"If a governing party or coalition loses a vote, the parliament falls and new elections are called." If you don't understand how this is exactly what I'm talking about as superior to the U.S. system I'm not sure we're speaking the same language.
Perhaps I'm arguing semantics upon rereading and for that I apologize. It's been a tough couple of days watching you guys have a national freak out. Both systems have advantages. All of our votes are whipped (vote against the party and you're no longer in the party). A Prime Minister with a (1/2)
Rewriting: Minister with a majority is an elected dictator. A party revolt can replace them but it will be with another MP of the same party. Look at the UK. They elected the Tories in 2019 and have had a stranglehold on governance since. 3 PMs. And they're entrenched until next week.
I enjoyed your anger, but also really understand the freakout. People feel really stupidly ground down here now. I have always loathed Biden because he is way too conservative for me but Trump seriously mindfucked. It's like we think everything is broken entirely and no normal channels work anymore
In Australia it has to be a budget bill or a vote of no confidence
Budget, throne speech, most of the important ones are declared such here. I was being brief for character limit. A loss of confidence has never happened with a majority parliament here.
ditto; not with a majority
"A stutter" You're not occupying reality. You're swiping at machine elves while trying to type on the keyboard.
Quick scan of his posting suggests Canadian.