
I need a labeler just for people who cite bullshit jobs unironically.
I don’t understand why people believe rapacious corporations which only care about making money at the expense of everything else would also blow money on a shitload of meaningless layers of jobs?
Genuinely if Bullshit Jobs is true then every corporation is managing a piece of a welfare state that would make the New Deal look like a nickel kicked to a panhandler.
The thing is, it is true in a weak form, and very false in strong form. There is inevitably going to be inefficiency due to departmental divisions and budget issues, and there is inevitably going to be work that is categorized as mediocre.
Why is there this stupid job? Because no one wants to pay to do it better. Why is this unbearable bullshit allowed to endure? Because it hasn't caused anyone important financial problems yet and it makes the machine go.
I would also venture that "10x engineers" and "A’s hire A's and B's hire C's" are reacting to the same thing, but from a rightward perspective.
One of the premises of BSJ is that people hire staff to puff up their egos and make themselves feel important… and I guess it feels like that is true for some jobs? Like, they are sort of supports for other people’s personal narratives?
I mean people thought this what may people thought secretaries/admins were. They were wrong.
That’s fair! They may actually do a big chunk of the work that the “boss” is assigned. I guess it feels like these “superfluous” jobs may be more common in academia, where deans seem to proliferate