Dan Pandre

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Dan Pandre


He/him. ↙️↙️↙️. Bug lorax @ Microsoft. USSR ➡️ MA ➡️ BC
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Any response which ignores the text of the Chicago DSA statement is shifting the goalposts and playing victim. Just admit you want to punish democrats by forcing them to live under Trump.
So the goal in that statement is not changing course on any policy. It’s stated right in the text that the intent is political disaster, thus electing Trump, who will apparently be better? Like, what’s the end goal here other than punishing people who don’t want Trump elected?
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If leadership of your org is more concerned with accelerationism than preventing fascism, then you’re not leftist or progressive in any meaningful sense. You’re a wrecker who wants to see a lot of people die unnecessarily.
The view that Trump is bad but Biden is worse is not liberalism, progressivism, leftism, or socialism. It's insanity or corruption, probably both.
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Reposted byAvatar Dan Pandre
Johnny McEntee, one of Trump's most loyal deputies who is in regular contact with him, is literally one of the people collecting resumes for staffers who would implement Project 2025. Shame on any journalistic outfit who takes this "truth" at face value.
Today in "Trump didn't write this, someone on his campaign staff did." I don't know if Kellyanne Conway is working for Trump these days but this feels more like her style, voice, and syntax than Trump or those posting on his behalf recently.
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Three charts to help understand the UK election results
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+210 seats gained on a +2% increase in vote share. FPTP Democracy truly a miracle of representation.
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Legitimately at the point where I like Joe Biden more bc of this stupid shit
It really does just seem like the BIDEN OLD stuff from the chattering class and sobby rich people is a tantrum, escalating because they're not getting their half-assed daydreams
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20 minutes of Slack/group chat comments & furious texting, followed by an hour spent writing their articles calling the debate a disaster, then days of writing more articles about each others' articles & the people who read their articles & Biden's response to it all
I watched a debate that had a bad performance by the better candidate for 21 min followed by an hour of the other guy being deranged. Trump has been quiet all week. What does that tell you about the effects of the debate?
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I keep being polarized into doubling down on Biden through the low character of his enemies
It is actually not great when wealthy elites try to have this much influence on the nominee, whether or not you think Biden is fit to serve.
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I don’t know how to explain to our nation’s top editorial boards that the Democratic Party is an actual organization with a lot of rules and history to it, not just a store that distributes team jerseys, and it has already selected delegates to its nominating convention.
Cannot emphasize enough how pathetic these editorial boards are revealing themselves to be.
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Many are saying
So basically the media are Poasters now, they have Poasters Madness, and they’re acting like Bluesky nerds, and that’s horrible. The media has never been good, but this is seriously a new Yellow Journalism era, it’s so transparent, and also it’s just so insanely depressing
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Democracy dies in obsessively spotlighting stupid stuff.
The teleprompter is a common device for politicians. But President Biden’s use of it even in small settings has prompted frustration by some listeners.
Biden’s omnipresent accessory, even in your living room: A teleprompterwapo.st The teleprompter is a common device for politicians. But Biden’s use of it even in small settings has prompted frustration by some listeners.
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Not to be corny but I do think the ongoing aspiration to make America a pluralist democracy of equals is righteous, beautiful, and worth honoring, even if it has more often been the struggle of minorities & dissenters than the policy of the government. 🇺🇸
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Suprise: unwashed fascist ghoul Matthew Walther - who wrote a column that the New York Times just published advising Americans not to vote - did in fact vote in 2020 and 2022. It’s time for us to stop tolerating these ratfucking liars.
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Had dinner with an attorney friend of mine last night who told me that when the immunity decision was announced, he threw his constitutional law book in the trash. After reading this brilliant indictment of the Trump/Roberts court by @ryanlcooper.com, I understand why prospect.org/justice/2024...
The Supreme Court Has Murdered the Constitutionprospect.org America’s founding document is now an all-but-meaningless scrap of paper. Happy Fourth!
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"Like the Jim Crow-era decisions, the immunity ruling ignores both the plain text of the Constitution and the historical evidence...to embolden those who believe that might makes right." My latest, on Trump v. U.S and the Reconstruction amendments, for MSNBC: www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnb...
Opinion | The Supreme Court’s immunity ruling has a chilling parallel to the Jim Crow erawww.msnbc.com The spirit and reasoning of the majority in Trump v. U.S. evokes the worst of post-Civil War jurisprudence.
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“Like a tick swollen almost to bursting with blood, the Supreme Court now rests comfortably with its stolen power, waiting to loan it to a conservative president.” www.liberalcurrents.com/the-courts-a...
The Courts and the Personalist Presidencywww.liberalcurrents.com The erosion of democratic institutions on behalf of lobbyists, courts, and arbitrary personalism.
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Far-right chud in NYT: "They went about the ordinary business of life - laboring, raising children, worshipping their creator - untroubled by futile expectations of change." Medieval commoners: "I would rather the king and all kings were dead than that my son should be hurt on his little finger."
More anti-democratic thoughts from 2018 the NYT allowed this writer to exclude from his current piece. Delivered with an air of detached irony, as if he miiight be joking or exaggerating. But is he?
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“leftists who have hated Biden for years and opportunistic pundits who have hated Biden for years quickly agreed that the key to beating Trump is to relentlessly attack the duly nominated Democrat until he’s totally unelectable.” with all due respect do people not realize this is extremely bad
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Reposted byAvatar Dan Pandre
"On Monday, John Roberts did far more damage to America's instituions than Donald Trump did on January 6." drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/07/03/n...
No longer a liberal democracydrafts.interfluidity.com drafts @ interfluidity
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It absolutely drives me up a wall, and was half of my decision to stop donating, that NPR had brought one of the architects of the Family Separation policy on as a pundit.
I listened to NPR for like five minutes today. They had on Sarah Isgur to talk about what a tough spot Roberts was in because Biden was prosecuting his opponent for a crime for which he wasn’t impeached.
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we're living in the Baudrillard timeline now
this whole thing is becoming a non-event, a giant simulacrum that everyone is rapid dumping their anxieties into, and what is genuinely hilarious is that this is sufficient to bootstrap a real crisis. I love modern news/social media and the machinations of its management wrt electoral democracy lol.
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I agree
I think what we're also seeing is a billionaire/donor class freakout that just spreads like lightning through their group chats, which includes a half-dozen NYT reporters.
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Personally, I’d much rather pick the slightly addled friendly old man over the actively deranged addled old man who talks all the time about ushering in a bloody authoritarian reign of global terror. It makes me feel insane that this does not seem to be obvious to a lot of other people.
It also makes me feel insane that the rat fuck around Biden’s age and mental capacity is being uncritically spread around by Democrats when Trump is *incredibly obviously* grotesquely mentally incapacitated, in a way that is genuinely terrifying.
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it REEKs of west wing brain where there's somehow this perfect candidate dropping from heaven
the dumbest part about said coup is them trying to avoid Harris despite her being the only realistic option forward
As another such American, all I can add is that the smoothest process is working for a multinational that will transfer you, and do the work permit paperwork. After a year or more of Canadian work experience, you can apply for permanent residency - but, it's also precariously job-linked until then.
As an American who Actually Moved To Canada, here are some things to consider if you’re serious about getting the fuck out of the US, a thread:
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Reposted byAvatar Dan Pandre
polling is so, so fucked
calling it now: whenever nate releases the nyt/sienna it's gonna have it neck and neck, probably a smallish trump lead, and that lead is going to be basically entirely from, oh, let's say, a 40 to 50 point shift R among nonwhite 18-29s.
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a floppy haired guy named nate, who unfortunately runs a lot of the pollcels of the democratic party, has consistently predicted that nonwhite 18-29s have swung R+40 in four years, and we're all living in the discourse he has created