Pangur Bán

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Pangur Bán

‘Messe ocus Pangur Bán, cechtar nathar fria saindan; bíth a menmasam fri seilgg, mu menma céin im saincheirdd.’
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Quanzhou 泉州 used to be known as Citong city 刺桐城 (Coral Tree City). This found an Arabic phono-semantic match in Zaytun زيتون (Olive City), which is the name you can read in Marco Polo &c. (Çayton &c.). Zaytun in turn is the origin of 'satin' fabric!
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This morning’s massive Windows/Crowdstrike outage is another opportunity to repost this excellent illustration of the state of our software infrastructure.
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Via Gabriellus Landsbergis, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania: "This is Rango. Rango was rescued from our back yard and immediately promoted to Official Cat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania."
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This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
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According to a Flemish folktale travellers were very wary of a road where a black cat always sat on a fence. It was said that if someone wanted to walk past the cat, the feline would say that their house would burn to the ground. People preferred a detour. 🎨Jacobus van Looy
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“What is most exceptional about the Americans is not the voluminous record of their violence but their extraordinary ability in the face of that record to persuade themselves that they are among the best behaved and best regulated of peoples.” - Richard Hofstadter, American Violence, 1970 🗃️
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If I have one strong recommendation, it's that you should hastily draw extremely firm conclusions about the probability of unforeseeable future outcomes based on rare present events about which you have markedly little verifiable information.
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Little Mari cares not for human sports, all she cares about is which slice of the toast will pop first.
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I have a very small, incredibly cute cushion with a cross stitch on it my wife made based on the delightful art of who you should definitely follow
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❤️‍🩹 Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital needs our help after a devastating Russian missile attack. Please donate to support the brave children and staff during this critical time. Every contribution makes a difference. #SupportOkhmatdyt #Ukraine
ДОПОМОГА | Фонд Охматдит
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The Ru missile attack on Kyiv’s main children’s hospital should be a wake up call to all Westerners who believe/assume we’re doing our best to help Ukr. We are not. We haven’t provided Ukr enough air défense, we’re not letting them strike Ru mil bases, and we allow Western technology to flow to Ru.
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I was feeling a little grumpy because of the heat, but then look what came in the mail and lifted my spirits! This gorgeous vibrant print by!
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In the village of C---m there was a man who could not die, who spoke to Hashem day and night, and yet he grew frail and unhappy with his lot. His children at last asked the Rabbi, Reb, why will God not let father pass to Olam HaBa? He replied: You would invite a man into your home who won't shut up?
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Reposted byAvatar Pangur Bán
I really have lost my former tolerance for "we're doomed/fucked/it's all over/they've won" takes at this point, in that they're the most dangerous attitudes one could possibly have when confronted with a truly existential political threat (which we still DO have levers to address).
Avatar Little Mari has come to visit far-off Poland 🐴 ❤️ 🤗
This is very true. Knowing when to work has made me much more productive.
My biggest piece of writing advice is figure out when you can actually write. It's really uncommon to have a brain that can write just whenever. What are your core hours? Figure those out and don't torture yourself by trying to be productive outside of them.
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You know how you get a David Bowie? By making it possible for someone who left school at 16 to spend the next six years playing in crap bands, studying mime, and taking part in avant-garde theatre, without having to worry about earning a steady living.
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A silly pic of Little Mari giving Kaonashi (no face) from Spirited Away a piece of toast ( 千と千尋の神隠し ) probably not a good idea
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Since we're talking about Star Wars: at its heart, Star Wars is about, in rank order: airplanes, being friends with A Creature, magic, martial arts, and the alienation of parental affection, which is all to say, give the franchise to Miyazaki and we might finally get a good one.
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I have no idea why but apparently I needed to draw little mari with a duck.
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The origin of the word 'cat' is unknown. There are similar words in many related languages, such as French 'chat', Welsh 'cath', Polish 'kot', but also in unrelated languages, e.g. Arabic 'qiṭṭa' and Turkish 'kedi'. However, none of these languages can be identified as the source. Here's more:
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Happy birthday to my friend who made this incredible Pangur Bán stained glass piece that lives in our home! 🎂
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OHMYGOD today I learned about Antillean Kreyol and it's as if they took French and told it that if it wasn't going to pronounce letters, then there was no reason to write them
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