
This 4th of July, take a little time to think about how the Left can try to reclaim patriotism from conservatives. Seems like the story of a country that cast off a king and fought a civil war to free the slaves is fertile ground given our present moment.
There’s a part in Ken Burns’ Civil War where someone describes Lincoln as fiercely believing in the Declaration of Independence and I think it’s important to remember that, for all the talk of the constitution, the DoI is our founding document and holds what our ideals should be, and that’s worth it
I still get chills when I read the Preamble of the Constitution. “We, the People of the United States” (not the undersigned, not the governers) “In order to form a more perfect Union” (not perfect, but we’ll keep working on it) …”secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” …
Whoever that posterity may be expanded to be - the Declaration of Independence was clear that the US needs immigration to succeed.