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Every quarter I get a statement explaining that I have $750 or so in a retirement account that I can withdraw when I’m 55. It’s my prize for three years of adjuncting and also academia mocking my life in just the coldest fashion.
Somewhere, there is a Republican who is disappointed not to have been chosen for the Trump VP slot
The West Wing is just like real life in that Democrats are constantly and voluntarily ceding power to Republicans
The West Wing is just like real life in that it argues to Democrats that Republicans should be in charge.
I need a vacation from vacation because I worked the entire time
[Butthead voice] rand-handy
The most deluded people of all are the ones who think The West Wing isn’t an accurate depiction of politics but House of Cards is
[me, laughing hysterically at the climax of episode one of My Brilliant Friend on HBO] oh god they’re serious about this, aren’t they
HourBNB. For the times you just need a room for like an hour.
This is ridiculous—a hypothetical labor movement should make decisions for the Democratic Party how? why?—but it does raise the question “what if Democrats at large considered themselves to be part of a political party?” www.hamiltonnolan.com/p/the-hole-a...
The Hole at the Heart of the Democratic Partywww.hamiltonnolan.com Labor needs to fill the vacuum. Or else.
The Bear lost me in season one when it that $300k debt was revealed. The show was already too stressful; I switched the tv off and wished Mr Chef luck with all that implausibility.
“Oh, oh, so the Supreme Court thinks Biden could simply assassinate his political rivals??” -liberals suddenly discovering the utility of violence
[shouting to my heir over illicit fireworks] IT’S TIME TO GO TO SLEEP
Reposted byAvatar pjc
yoda arrogantly oversaw the collapse of the republic and died in exile
honestly they’re kinda cooking with this
I’ve drunk things you people wouldn’t believe
The proper response to (lol) the president of the heritage foundation is “oh shut the fuck up.”
Right now there is a New York Times reporter specifically tasked with digging up Kamala Harris material which will demoralize lefties and liberals, just in case it comes to that.
“Now that the sky is falling, progressives should forget electoral politics and build a movement.” This is the kind of thinking that has brought the American left all its political power over the last 50-100 years. www.hamiltonnolan.com/p/the-end-of...
The End of Liberal Institutionalismwww.hamiltonnolan.com Excessive belief in institutions is a proven failure.
Don’t let Republicans catch on to this or they might start trampling Democrats just to demoralize their base
Me, sagely: If you tell ordinary people what Republicans’ policies are, they won’t believe you Also me: They can’t really mean this right
I’m begging Democrats and certainly the left broadly to get more cynical about wielding power. “Yeah we’re running this barely animate corpse because lol fuck you.”
There should be a loan word, probably French, for when it seems like Mercury’s in retrograde but in reality it’s just the human condition
People don’t realize this, but after the kid called out the Emperor for not wearing clothes, he reigned nude for 30 years
People keep asking how we got here and it’s like South Carolina Dem primary voters flocked to Biden last minute and everyone got the memo for Super Tuesday 2020. Warren ran the most tepid campaign imaginable and Sanders is a bad politician. For a minute there, Bloomberg was in the mix! Imagine!
It’s wild that “conservative ideology” has brought us all of our most pressing social problems and yet no one anywhere can bring themselves to articulate that.
ridiculous degenerate farce of a political culture
Reposted byAvatar pjc
In a thousand years they’ll find old deleted MTV News articles and it will kick off a Renaissance
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