
MSNBC is in the bag for Trump, because they need Trump. The majority of their programming is centered around him. Think about it...without Trump, what would anchors like Nicole Wallace talk about for two-hours?
Can't agree with this - Nicole Wallace & Joe Scarborough are probably among the most CENTERED of all the MSNBC talking heads a close third would be Lawrence O'Donnell & Jen Psaki?
I wasn't knocking Wallace, I enjoy her show occasionally, but let's be real, her show is two hours of non-stop Trump..
Ok - I locked in on " In the bag for _ _ _ _ _."
Oh, I see, I really directing that at the corporate penny counters..
Yes - most defiantly a problem - I'm still extremely pissed at MSNBC management a couple of their hosts for nuking Chris Matthew's.
All sides of the news yelling “the sky is falling”… Imho it’s time for more positive calls to action (like your post on voting) lest all of this hyperbole make us all numb, depressed and lethargic…