Matt Patton

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Matt Patton

Reposted byAvatar Matt Patton
It's taboo here to talk about replacing The Constitution, but we should at least debate it. I don't think most Americans want another minority-elected (electoral college) rogue president & an authoritarian judiciary. This is ridiculous.
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Right, individuals in the military might carry out illegal orders. And if some reject but others follow, that risks splitting the military, which would be its own nightmare. Insane to rely on every individual officer making the correct judgment call every time. Milley won't be there. Flynn will.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Patton
Reminder: Trump pardoned literal war criminals. One's actions were so bad that some of his fellow SEALs testified against him, which pretty much never happens. And Fox News then treated the pardoned criminals as heroes. Thinking this every time I see "but the military won't follow illegal orders."
Trump pardons servicemembers in high profile war crimes Donald Trump granted pardons to Army 1st Lt. Clint Lorance and Maj. Mathew Golsteyn. He reversed a demotion of Edward Gallagher, a Navy Seal.
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Happy Monday! New article by me: How large-scale efforts have helped reduce trachoma — a painful eye disease that can eventually lead to blindness — and how the world can eliminate the disease.
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Gun rights activists have won legal victories against firearm restrictions using the seemingly independent work of a Georgetown University professor. But he has undisclosed ties to pro-gun interests, The New York Times found.
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Biden has to say he won't pardon his son because he knows the media would absolutely savage him if he tried. Yet the same media completely takes it for granted that Trump will pardon himself if he's re-elected, it's just baked into assumptions about his future cases and they don't even bother to ask
Reposted byAvatar Matt Patton
I'm handling a manuscript on perceptions of Sicilian clinical psychologists towards homosexuality @ Collabra Psych . Given the cultural context, trying to find a reviewer who lives/works in Sicily. My DMs are open if you would be open to reviewing and supporting a great OA journal!
Reposted byAvatar Matt Patton
New article by me: The rise in reported maternal mortality rates in the US is largely due to a change in measurement. The change was adopted by different states at different times, resulting in what appeared to be a gradual rise in maternal mortality.
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Data on mental illnesses is only available for a small number of countries worldwide. I wrote a data insight on Our World In Data to explain this problem.
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The obsessively anti-woke are ideological tribalists—not "open-minded" or "free thinkers" or whatever label they give themselves—and readily toss aside the value of truth if facts don't fit their worldview, as shows in this charitable, evidence-filled, devastating critique.
The War on the Woke Trumps the Truth for Many Heterodox Their flagship publication, The Free Press’, failure to correct an error-filled defense of George Floyd’s killer demonstrates that they are just another partisan tribe
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New post! Birth seasonality, causes of death across the lifespan, progress against HIV/AIDS & cystic fibrosis, very rare infectious form of Alzheimer’s, improvements in cholesterol, and more. I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you enjoy!
#20: Many great things you missed this This week: Birth seasonality, causes of death across the lifespan, progress against HIV/AIDS & cystic fibrosis, very rare infectious form of Alzheimer’s, improvements in cholesterol, and more.
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Reposted byAvatar Matt Patton
New AI dynamically builds wiki pages. The fact that it lists 4 biological causes for depression before listing the first psychosocial one is telling, and shows the impact biological psychiatry has had on our field and public perception / discourse.
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Got invite for physical meeting of highly cited folks because, quote, "some consider that getting listed as Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers list is 2nd next to winning a Nobel medal". I can't imagine a worse academic place to be than with highly cited people who think this statement is true.
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Tetanus is a bacterial disease that causes paralysis and can lead to death. Globally, it used to kill more than 250,000 annually in the early 1990s, mostly children. As DTP vaccination has risen, deaths have fallen massively.
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New post about our CRediT translation progress! And we're looking for volunteers, esp. people fluent in languages other than these: German, Polish, Hungarian, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese. French #scholarlyPublishing #metascience
The project so Official landing page of the Contributorship Collaboration
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Error checking is an important service to science, but it doesn't pay the bills. But what if it did? Introducing ERROR, a bug bounty program for science to systematically detect and report errors in academic publications ERROR is a bug bounty program for science to systematically detect and report errors in academic publications
Reposted byAvatar Matt Patton
New systematic review & meta-analysis of ketamine for PTSD finds only consistent significant effect at 24 hrs post infusion. Effect significantly better than passive control but not active control conditions. Raises questions about why this is considered promising
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Nikki Haley should refuse any more Republican debates unless Trump comes. She needs to highlight his cowardice to have a chance.
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"Registered report adoption in academic journals: assessing rates in different research domains" ($ but most of the insight from the paper is visible in the figure)
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We’ve forgotten how terrible Africa’s HIV epidemic was & how important PEPFAR has been. 20 million people today depend on continued treatment from it, and its fate may be the most important issue facing global health this year. My piece in Vox today – please share!
How political gridlock could kill the best global health program the US ever PEPFAR saved millions of people from AIDS. Don’t let it die.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Patton
1/4 FRED is online, our open source software to provide feedback to participants in EMA studies. We (led by programmed the software to provide feedback at scale to our ~2000 WARN-D participants. Hope it will be useful to researchers & clinicians alike! Details below.
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With great trepidation, I've started blogging again, on my new (free) Substack:
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Big new post! Seven things you didn't know about life expectancy • We live longer than our life expectancy implies • Lifespan inequality has been falling • Child mortality makes smaller contributions to gains in life expectancy ... and more:
#19: Seven things you didn't know about life Life expectancy is being pushed higher. What does this mean, and what does it tell us about the future?
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At some point, can we say that Donald Trump and his anti-democracy movement are “tearing the country apart,” or is it always the fault of people who stand for the well-established laws and norms of US Constitutional democracy?
If you missed the original, here’s a nice listen for your holiday travels. 🎄🎉🍾
Reposted byAvatar Matt Patton
I wonder how judicial textualists will decide that the 14th Amendment shouldn’t be interpreted based on the words in the law, but on words that aren’t in the text, such as “only after a court conviction on related charges” or “only after a supermajority impeachment conviction in the Senate.”
Reposted byAvatar Matt Patton
In this paper published yesterday on using psychedelics to improve wellbeing in cancer patients, the first author Agrawal, CEO of a psychedelics company to improve wellbeing in cancer patients, has "no conflicts of interest" to declare. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯