Paul Dechene

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Paul Dechene

Covering Regina city council for Prairie Dog Magazine, identifying improvement vectors for CJTR’s Queen City Improvement Bureau. #WarOnCars
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If I had a nickel for each time in recent memory a farmer straight up murdered a guy and got off scot-free, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but weird that it's happened twice. #SKpoli #Saskatchewan #SKnews
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Very much not surprising how Silicon Valley now moves to support Trump. Tech's libertarian beliefs and Trump's agenda of destroying any form of active state and government (aside from his own personal will) go together perfetly.
More Tech and Venture Capital Execs Are Coming Out as MAGA Elon Musk, Bill Ackman, and other tech and finance leaders used the attempted Trump assassination to declare support for his 2024 campaign.
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Trump-Vance isn't designed to win over more voters, but ensure the next coup attempt proceeds more smoothly
The Republican Party has nominated a man for Vice President who says he would have ended American democracy if he’d had that role in 2021.
Slowly compiling audio nonsense I've made over the years, mainly for the Queen City Improvement Bureau. This is an excerpt from a larger sound collage project where I was piecing together audio from old city planning films with field recordings of Regina traffic. #urbanism
The City In 2017, I was listening to far too much Negativland. This is the result of that. (Actually, it's the one listenable bit out of a much longer audio collage … "thing.") I've lost the original Audacity files and can't find the source I pulled these sound clips from.
Did a 9km round trip bike ride on Regina's sidewalks today — b/c the streets are just to perilous for cyclists. Only encountered ONE pedestrian the entire time. Note that Regina is only 15km wide.
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Oh man… so there is an infill development coming to Cathedral & commenters in their FB group are setting their fucking hair on fire over it. So far though, as far as i can tell, this pic of a pic is all anyone outside of immediate neighbours to the property have seen. /1 #yqrcc
I've been live tweeting city council meetings since 2013. I find it to be a useful & informative exercise. But this debate about what to do with central branch is pointless. It has been going on since I started covering council in 2008. There is no reason to cover it today. Nothing will be decided.
Council has been going on for over ninety minutes now and NOTHING new has happened. We're having an identical central library debate to dozens council's had over the last 15 years. #yqrcc
I have to be honest with you Bsky (b/c you can't say this on twitter or you'll get run out of town) the current central library is not a "fine looking" heritage building. It's a garbage box. It represents the worst of mid-20th century perfunctory design. #yqrcc
I was going to write that about this central library debate that I am in hell but this isn't hell, it's purgatory. I am in purgatory. Grey, dusty, immutable, tedious, repetitive, dreary purgatory. #yqrcc
Regina is having a special city council meeting today b/c they are so far behind on their work. /1 #yqrcc
That grocery store pic (top R)… Cathedral has a reputation for NIMBYism but when the 13th Ave Safeway renovation was being debated, residents were saying they’d prefer a design that included several storeys of housing on top over the boring store design we ended up getting.
If you think Calgary is just a city of suburbs, sure it has lots of those, but it also has really good urban transformation areas, many of which I was proud to work on. Bridgeland/“The Bridges”, the University District, East Village and more. Dense, mixed, walkable and transit-oriented.
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Do not lose hope. Scream, yell, demand better, and say these thieves' names. You are being given less so that others can have more, you are having things taken from you by corporations because they must always please the nebulous form of the shareholder.
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Generative AI is a tool that only seems revolutionary to people that haven’t written, coded, drawn, or created anything in years. Yet these are the people at the top of the tech industry, forcing billions of dollars into unprofitable, unsustainable tech.
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Generative AI is exciting to the disconnected business freaks running our economy, as it’s a way to abstract and outsource even more forms of labor. It's part of their nihilistic corporate fantasy - a company with no employees and one rich CEO.
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When you have a society and economy dominated by people who neither create nor understand the things they’re selling, people that don’t experience or respect labor, their natural thought will be that any form of creativity or “work” can be automated.
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Shareholder supremacy is poisoning every industry, making Boeing's planes lethal, making movie companies *deliberately not release movies*, all thanks to a management sect that doesn't use their products and holds a deep contempt for their customers.
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“Canada is such a northern country, don’t we want a little global warming?” I often hear. In a nutshell, NO. We’re warming 2x faster than the rest of the world, driving extreme heat, flood, and sea level rise we are not prepared for. The wildfire season started in Feb this year. Feb! #canadaday
Canada’s Changing Climate
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AB failed on 17/23 climate policy indicators. AB has the highest emissions in CAD. AB represents 38% of CAD's emissions. AB emissions have grown 7% since 2005. The oilsands are 38% AB emissions and 12% of CAD. Oilsands emissions grew 142% since 2005!!! AB is letting CAD down. #ABPoli #ABLeg #CDNPoli
Whose responsibility is it to reduce emissions in Canada? Some provinces are doing far more than others to deliver clean, prosperous, equitable economies for their citizens. Our latest report shows who is leading – and who is falling behind. ⬇
All Together Now | Pembina This year, the Pembina Institute has again partnered with Simon Fraser University to compile a comprehensive assessment of the state of climate action by governments across Canada.   Canada has a key ...
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Today, July 4th, most Americans will celebrate their independence by sitting in traffic on subsidized highways in cars they financed via high-interest loans from multinational banks and that they fueled with dinosaur juice imported from petrostates that hate the U.S.
We got a (discredited) inquiry into imagined political influence by environmental groups. Meanwhile, here's an oil exec EXPLAINING ON TAPE how they manipulate the media, civil servants, politicians & indigenous leaders. So… when are the hearings?
Everything you need to know about TC Energy’s alleged playbook to sway governments | The Leaked recordings of TC Energy meetings revealed claims of ‘remarkable results’ of pro-pipeline tactics. We break down the details
Regina city councillor for Ward 1, Cheryl Stadnichuk, announces she will not be seeking reelection. #yqrcc
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NEW: Ford’s CEO tells the truth, that the automaker needs a “radical change.” “We are just in love with these monster vehicles. We have to start to get back in love with smaller vehicles. It’s super important for our society and for EV adoption.” Right.
Ford CEO calls out America's love for 'monster vehicles' with smaller $30,000 EV As the leader of the over 120-year-old automaker, Ford CEO Jim Farley has an essential job of steering it into...
Shows made for kids that aren't pandering schlock: • Avatar: the Last Airbender • Gravity Falls • Over The Garden Wall • Coraline (& Laika in general) • Secret Of The Kells (& Cartoon Saloon in general) • all of Miyazaki