The War on Cars

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The War on Cars

A podcast about the fight against car culture. Hosted by Sarah Goodyear, Doug Gordon, and Aaron Naparstek.
Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller July 5,1950
Unironically, every police department should have someone who identifies and arrests the people who post their insanely dangerous and illegal driving behavior online
You should be able to call the police on someone’s post
the real way to fight climate change is public transit and bikeable/walkable cities. not cars made for individuals that are still expensive consumer products at the end of the day
Electric vehicles can save lives by polluting the climate less than fossil-fueled vehicles in most places. Yet EVs are much heavier and accelerate faster, so are more dangerous in crashes. argues that increased car-crash deaths could be on par with lives saved via climate.
Make electric vehicles lighter to maximize climate and safety Tax heavy cars and shrink batteries to consolidate the gains from electrifying transport. Tax heavy cars and shrink batteries to consolidate the gains from electrifying transport.
Electric vehicles can save lives by polluting the climate less than fossil-fueled vehicles in most places. Yet EVs are much heavier and accelerate faster, so are more dangerous in crashes. argues that increased car-crash deaths could be on par with lives saved via climate.
Make electric vehicles lighter to maximize climate and safety Tax heavy cars and shrink batteries to consolidate the gains from electrifying transport. Tax heavy cars and shrink batteries to consolidate the gains from electrifying transport.
New episode! We talked with Cyprine Odada, the founder of Critical Mass Nairobi. Cyprine has grown the group into the largest gathering of non-competitive cyclists in Africa, changing the perception of who rides a bike in the car-dominated Kenyan capital.
Among other factors, it turns out that running against Low Traffic Neighborhoods and Ultra-Low Emissions Zones isn't a winning campaign strategy.
Today, July 4th, most Americans will celebrate their independence by sitting in traffic on subsidized highways in cars they financed via high-interest loans from multinational banks and that they fueled with dinosaur juice imported from petrostates that hate the U.S.
On the eve of a big election, if you want to know what the hell is happening in the UK as far Low Traffic Neighborhoods, 15-minute cities and transportation go, take a listen to our episode from December.
We're going to do an episode on Project 2025 on what's at stake for transportation and climate if Trump wins and it's very, very bad. Will make the Elaine Chao USDOT era look positively progressive by comparison.
I couldn't bring myself to read most parts of Project 2025 so the first thing I read was Transportation and yeah it's bad. Basically all funding would just be for states to build more freeways
"Chapter 19 of this far-right blueprint attacks the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). First, the author calls for the elimination of funding for the FTA’s core programs, which provide critical funds to local transit authorities for essential maintenance work."
Project 2025 Would Increase Costs for Commuters, Defund Transit Maintenance, and Undermine Economic How a radical plan to eliminate federal transit funding could devastate local transit systems, hurt families, and undermine economic growth.
New episode! We talked with Cyprine Odada, the founder of Critical Mass Nairobi. Cyprine has grown the group into the largest gathering of non-competitive cyclists in Africa, changing the perception of who rides a bike in the car-dominated Kenyan capital.
“She's trolling New York City. The gall to wear an MTA shirt on today of all days. Just complete contempt for New Yorkers,” transit advocate and The War On Cars podcast co-host Doug Gordon said.
Hochul shows MTA 'pride' on day NYC congestion pricing would have The governor put the program on an indefinite pause earlier this month.
That’s where the I have belongs. Just finishing up the seat post the then I’ll set up the derailleur and suspension this weekend
I was connected immediately, so you shouldn't need to wait on hold at all if you call now.
I just called both Schumer and Gillibrand and told them both that Hochul's refusal to obey rule of law and implement congestion pricing is a constitutional crisis that discredits the whole Democratic party. You should call too. Schumer: 202-224-6542 Gillibrand: 202-224-4451
I called Senator Schumer and told him exactly this, in nearly these words. The fight is not just about congestion pricing. It's about the importance of democracy itself, and whether Democrats value democratic rule of law. ☎️ (202) 224-6542 ☎️ (212) 486-4430
Hey now he might have to move a single plank of wood once a year
ego is expensive
I called Senator Schumer and told him exactly this, in nearly these words. The fight is not just about congestion pricing. It's about the importance of democracy itself, and whether Democrats value democratic rule of law. ☎️ (202) 224-6542 ☎️ (212) 486-4430
NEW EPISODE: "Killed by a Traffic Engineer" In his new book, Wes Marshall argues that his fellow traffic engineers need to do some deep soul searching so that they no longer design a system that kills tens of thousands of people per year. Available now!
nothing makes the anarchism leave my body quite like being a pedestrian in the city. i am the judge dredd of thinking it is bad to hit people crossing the street with your car.
Great episode! Really disturbing that so much of decades-old "best practice" in traffic engineering is basically vibes, but I'm glad it's being called out and that coming generations of engineers are asking hard questions of the field.
Looking forward to listening to this and then, I expect, immediately engulfing my neighborhood Facebook group in flames by sharing it if it is good.
NEW EPISODE: "Killed by a Traffic Engineer" In his new book, Wes Marshall argues that his fellow traffic engineers need to do some deep soul searching so that they no longer design a system that kills tens of thousands of people per year. Available now!
based on the last nine months of news coverage, I have come to the conclusion that the cybertruck is no less than 35% adhesive tape by volume
The ITE member forum right now:
seen some remarkable LinkedIn stuff about this. "this man, who I have never heard speak at a conference, is insulting the whole profession" etc etc. like the title is "a" traffic engineer, you have in front of you the option of not identifying as the behind-the-times traffic engineer
NEW EPISODE: "Killed by a Traffic Engineer" In his new book, Wes Marshall argues that his fellow traffic engineers need to do some deep soul searching so that they no longer design a system that kills tens of thousands of people per year. Available now!
Exactly what I needed! Stuck inside painting (on a beautiful day that I should be out riding my bike) a room and a new WoC episode is here at the right time. Also, new rule: traffic engineers must be cyclists. 🚲🏙️
NEW EPISODE: "Killed by a Traffic Engineer" In his new book, Wes Marshall argues that his fellow traffic engineers need to do some deep soul searching so that they no longer design a system that kills tens of thousands of people per year. Available now!
NEW EPISODE: "Killed by a Traffic Engineer" In his new book, Wes Marshall argues that his fellow traffic engineers need to do some deep soul searching so that they no longer design a system that kills tens of thousands of people per year. Available now!
Wondering why Cybertrucks are allowed on the road? Because this is literally how auto safety regulations works in the US. Every vehicle is assumed compliant until proven otherwise by underpaid bureaucrats, at public expense
I'll forever keep my simple explainer of FMVSS compliance: Put a sticker on it. That's it, the end. Just need a sticker stating that you think your product meets all required safety standards and you accept civil liability should this be proven false
Kind of hard not to notice the exhaust, too, especially on a hot and humid day. Too bad there's no plan to reduce cars ready to be tried out somewhere in the city.