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Overly opinionated geek he/him
Not every CW superhero show was a home run but they gave us 20 episodes a year with good stories, decent FX, and plenty of geeky goodness. I miss that. I'm so tired of 8 episodes every 2 years.
Well, I was pretty close on my guesses. #TheAcolyte
#TheAcolyte finale speculation: Osha kills Sol. Mae dies. Sol is blamed for the Jedi deaths. Qimir takes Osha as his apprentice. Qimir had no direct connection to the Witches, but felt a disturbance and found Mae. A Darth name will be used
#TheAcolyte finale speculation: Osha kills Sol. Mae dies. Sol is blamed for the Jedi deaths. Qimir takes Osha as his apprentice. Qimir had no direct connection to the Witches, but felt a disturbance and found Mae. A Darth name will be used
This week has been the longest year of my life
Finished #StarTrekProdigy season 2. I really enjoyed season 1 but this new season really escalated the show. I love how they connected the show to other pieces of the Star Trek timeline but also gave us a unique and fun adventure with wonderful characters. Please give us season 3
I really like Alien 3. I'm glad they didn't try to make Aliens again, they made something different
Seriously, if I told you there was a movie directed by David Fincher with Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton, Pete Postlethwaite, Charles Dance, Lance Henrikson, and Holt McCallany, set in a futuristic prison, you'd throw money at it, and rightly so.
Reposted byAvatar Paul
Do we think Darth Teeth has a connection to Brendok or did he just happen to come across Mae and recognize her power and need for revenge? #TheAcolyte
This season of #StarTrekProdigy is just so good. I'm torn between wanting to just completely binge the whole thing in one run and trying to space them out and make it last. But this really is one of the best Trek shows. We need a season 3 and beyond!
Say hello to my little friend
Today we trooped Star Wars night at the Pulaski River Turtles game. It was so hot, but we had a lot of fun bringing imperial smiles to the crowd. #501st
I absolutely hate that they have replaced the search function with this AI garbage
So this just happened to me on Insta. So damn sick of AI. 😡😡😡
I have a #StarTrekProdigy question that has been bugging me. What color is her hair?
Reposted byAvatar Paul
I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
Star Wars friends help me with this question that's been bugging me since Tuesday's #TheAcolyte episode. Have they said the phrase "Something to tip the scales" in the show before this week?
Biden sucks as a candidate, we've known this for years. But now is not the time for him to drop out. He should've dropped out last year or announced he wasn't running again but 4 months before the election is not the time to drop out (unless your Trump then it's the perfect time)
Not much worth celebrating today
#StarTrekProdigy and The Acolyte are making my little nerd heart very happy
Really enjoyed this week's episode of #TheAcolyte, obviously it couldn't be the action spectacular that last week was, this time it's more personal and emotional. Osha and The Stranger is an interesting dynamic....
A sure fire way to get the Court to roll back some of their idiotic decisions is to get Biden and the Democrats using them to their advantage
I really hate that in the middle of all this Republican fuckery, Biden is just saying "oh, well I wish there was something I could do. But if you re-elect me, I promise I'll do all the stuff" instead of him actually saying he's gonna work to fix it now or have some kind of plan
Reposted byAvatar Paul
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
Very happy that #StarTrekProdigy is back. Watched the first two episodes and this season is off to a good start. Also, was that Tendi?
Is Vegas taking bets on how long the US has left? I'm thinking 5 years, 10 max
Sure is a good thing we have 3 equal branches of government who all check and balance each other and not one ineffectual branch that is allowing another to go hog wild with overreaching power
Time to see what fascist bullshit the Supreme Court pushed out today
Reposted byAvatar Paul
"no, I'm not related to Trent, but I am a big industrial fan"