
Three adjacent headlines that say it all.
Well, for what it's worth, rejoining the EU wouldn't be the UK's decision alone.
Indeed it would not and there would be substantial opposition to it but Starmer framing it as his decision is very interesting
I imagine it's more that he sees it as a distraction and is trying to cut it off early.
Dashing the hopes of his supporters on the day before they vote is an interesting choice, for sure.
Well, I have seen first hand the recoil political parties can take when they make promises that they can't (or won't) keep. Dude's party by all accounts is heading for a landslide victory already.
Exactly so he has nothing to worry about, and can say whatever he likes. Interesting that he chooses to say this thing in this way. Tells me something about how he plans to run things.
I think there have already been plenty of signs on how he plans to run things, none of them good. I have never felt this demoralised at the thought of a Labour victory in 37 years of voting. Obviously delighted to see the Tories get fucked, but Starmer's just a Tory in a slightly different wig.
Because that's what the public wants.
The UK was/is/probably always will be one of the most EU-skeptic nations that could feasibly be in the European Union. Even the far-left's hero Corbyn frowned pretty hard at the EU and only reluctantly offered support for it at the 11th hour. Not surprised at all that Starmer is lukewarm.
He plans to run things as a center or light center-left. That... was hardly a secret even to me a full ocean and a half away. Dunno why it would be a surprise to anyone, honestly.
Noting he has said or done in the last year says Keir Starmer is centre left to me. He’s centre right at best, given that he seems to be to the right of Ireland’s centre right parties.
I would say centre right if anything, but no, it absolutely shouldn't be a surprise.
The US "center" is very right-wing by international standards. By British standards, Starmer is very much centre-right. He's basically David Cameron without the aristocratic lineage.