Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)

Empty headed writer of many genres of varying success.
If elections are "rigged," THIS is where the deck is stacked, not by 2000 mules.
I wrote a thing: "this is getting fucking ridiculous" — for the future of our democracy, this game of gotcha has got to end. thanks for reading, and please sign up for my daily newsletter so you never miss a post —
this is getting fucking for the future of our democracy, this shit has got to end
Hey, can everyone in America do me a favor? Stop projecting what they want from an undefined Democratic presidential candidate, and just get a head start on the part where you're disappointed that you not getting everything you want. Please and thank you.
Note to the conspiracy theorists: There's no secret cabal waiting to hurt you from within the shadows. You just don't want to turn the fucking light on and look for yourself.
Things kinda went crazy in Iran.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: To get new songs, I’d hold a cassette recorder up to the stereo speaker while the radio was on.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: To get new songs, I’d hold a cassette recorder up to the stereo speaker while the radio was on.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: Having a piercing, tattoo, or gold teeth meant you were a committed outlaw,
A decade ago a journalist asked me what I consider to be "obscene" and this was my response. I've changed and grown a lot since then, but you know what? I haven't changed my mind at all on this! (Also, whoa, 28k notes O.O )
Dear, have you guys ever greenlit a title while sober? -via
Oh... no?
rough news for radcliffe who really seems like he's dying to make a comeback in fantastic beasts nine: the treasure of flibbetyflob
One thing that occasionally annoys me are people who ask why I'm not at [x] show or why my books take so long unlike their favorite writer [y]. I try not to be TOO snarky as I explain unlike their favorite writer, I still have to do a day job to keep me fed, so I can't do as much.
There's a part of me that thinks if people put half as much energy into their own relationships as they did into the relationships of fictional characters that they wouldn't need to live vicariously through fictional characters.
Someone needs to charge these ghouls $20k to attend an exclusive mind expansion seminar and it's just a fuckin library
Anyone who might wonder why I no longer support NPR, articles like this are the reason why. Get fucked, NPR. I hope you go out of business, you vile ghouls.
After a few months, his symptoms went away, but his fears of getting COVID didn't. He is immunocompromised and his doctors warned him that if he got sick again, it may complicate his autoimmune disease. Plus, he didn't want to repeat his traumatic ordeal, especially with a baby on the way.
Wrestling with my husband's fear of getting COVID My husband is high risk and still takes COVID precautions. I want our old life back.
The top seven problems that AI solves perfectly can all be counted on one hand.
Overheard at work: Coworker 1: My boss rejected my vacation time! I don't understand why! I only use it when I call-in! Coworker 2: Well, how often do you call in? Coworker 1: Only once a week! Me (Scottish engineer voice): Ack! Aye think aye see yer problem hea'!
I originally made this for Twitter, but it can just as easily apply to any social media site you wish.
It has taken a bit longer than I had wanted to (okay, a couple years longer than I wanted to), but finally... at long last... the draft manuscript of the first Transcendent book has been completed.
With each new development in the Hugo Award and WorldCon debacle, I feel increasingly at peace that I will likely never even be in the position to be nominated for a Hugo, much less considered to win one.
David Attenborough [whispering]: “As the predators close in on their helpless prey, we can only watch in silent horror, for it is not man’s role to interfere in the hierarchy of nature.”
Do I believe President Biden could have some cognition and memory issues? Sure! The dude's freakin' 80. My grandma couldn't even remember her own children's faces at 79. But I will not accept that any Trump supporter genuinely cares that much about a politician's cognitive abilities.
I've said this on other forms of social media in one form or another, might as well share it here. If your conspiracy theory involves more than 4 people, and requires more than 4 things in motion at any given time, odds are your conspiracy doesn't have any chance of being true.
Q: What are five topics you can talk about unprepared for 5 minutes? A: People on social media SEVERELY overestimate my desire to hear myself talk for even 5 minutes.
What are 5 topics you can talk about unprepared for 5 minutes? 1) Lady LovelyLocks 2) Lady LovelyLocks 3) Lady LovelyLocks 4) Lady LovelyLocks 5) Lady LovelyLocks
Wow. Trump was predicted by the Turks...
Allow me to point out something that is painfully obvious to anyone with a middle school education: If powerful women like Taylor Swift trigger you, you definitely couldn’t handle a civil war.
"My health has suffered tremendously due to bear attacks. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to tie these steaks around my waist and start hitting this bear with a stick." "What do you mean these things are related? How dare you blame me? I'M the victim here!"
Upon learning of Henry Kissinger's death, I am reminded of the age old axiom, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." As such, I will apply this axiom to my memoriam of Henry Kissinger over the next hour.