
Okay #horrorwatch family! What shall we watch for our first Terror from Beyond the Stars month of July? VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! 1️⃣ Colour Out of Space (2010, aka Die Farbe) 2️⃣ Event Horizon 3️⃣ Dunwich Horror (1970) 4️⃣ From Beyond 📊 Show results Colour Out of Space (2010, aka Die Farbe) 2️⃣ Event Horizon 3️⃣ Dunwich Horror (1970) 4️⃣ From Beyond 📊 Show results
I'll be surprised if Event Horizon doesn't take it (and I can't believe you haven't seen this one!) but I voted for one *I* haven't seen yet.
I love it because it's a "haunted house" movie in space but it is a flawed movie and darkly, deeply silly if you're not in the right mood. I adore it simply because it exists, and for its... audacity, on several levels
Yeah, I'm definitely not going to be sad if it wins 😆
So far it is winning. It was tied with Dunwich for a bit, but now it's taken the lead by two.
The only correct answer possible is Dean Stockwell's hair. I mean, you should always watch Dean Stockwell whenever you can, but this hair is the held trump.
it's also a crazy fun movie, to boot. I think it's one of the few ones on the list I've actually seen. I tried to go for obscure, and not the usual list of The Void, The Endless, etc that we've all seen lots
(I'm probably the odd duck out by not seeing Event Horizon yet)
We saw Event Horizon at the cinema when it first came out, mainly because a friend was staying with us and wanted to see it. Boy, at the time, it was tough to get through - we really didn't watch that much horror back then, and it was far more bloody than we expected!
When you do end up watching it, I will be interested in your reaction. (I’m probably the peculiar waterfowl for disliking that one.)
I actually avoided it because it didn't seem like my thing. I know, I know scifi cosmic horror is my thing just the way they did it, just going by the trailers... but hey, if we watch it then I'll watch it!
I didn't dislike it--at least not the first half of it--but I'm a little surprised it's become the cult classic it has become. Great sets/ship design and fantastic cast. I was really disappointed where they went with what they had to work with. Want to say more but won't lest I spoil something.
Sounds like we may have had the same feeling about the same aspect.
I was going to suggest Event Horizon but I wasn't sure it was "cosmic horror" enough. Happy to vote for it since it's there.
Enjoy! And a few people suggested it, and I haven't watched it.
sure thing! That's the one downside with this having no algorithm, things go missing, lol
Event Horizon is a good and deeply flawed movie. It doesn't quite live up to its potential, but it's absolutely worth watching.
The (sad) thing about Event Horizon is it was shorn of a big chunk of its most over-the-top horrific footage b4 it was released, & that extra nightmare fuel is now considered lost. Pity. You can't go wrong with anything on the list tho, although I think Die Farbe is less likely to get folks posting
Maybe. I think the one we had the least posts on was Hellraiser, and that's because it was so engrossing, no one checked the hashtag much. Even those of us who watched it before lol
You may be right, but from personal experience as a runner of watch alongs on social media, subtitled movies, regardless of quality, always caused less posting because people were too busy trying to keep up with what was being said. Not a slight on Die Farbe, which is really good.
Agreed. I don't remember loving it? But not hating it either. Some moments have stuck with me since the 90s, so... Really seems time for a revisit to see how it's morphed/aged over a quarter century.
I saw it last year when it was still on Shudder, really liked it a lot
That opening title music... DW is one of my faves.