⛧ Mother Suspiria ⛧ (StinaMarie)

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⛧ Mother Suspiria ⛧ (StinaMarie)


I share the Horror & spread the Dread.

She/Her/Weirdo/Horror Lover/AuDHD/TradArtist/Book Reviewer/Malcontent/Misanthrope 💖💜💙

🚫 No AI No NFTs No Crypto 🚫

💙📚 #MSReview
🎨 https://stinasdemons.bigcartel.com
🎨 https://cara.app/stinamarie
To the Men (it's always men): Pontificating about things laughably obvious [and generally assumed/accepted by anyone with a modicum of intelligence &/or decency] as if they are Profound Truths is not only irritating and extremely condescending... it makes you appear to be an insufferable buffoon.
Preparing for storms & rain as Beryl is on its way. Should have everything we need: -Generator -Fuel -Water -Food -Phone charger And most important: -Fancy, new, very bright book light We also prepared our extra room for the 2 stray cats to wait out the storm, if they want/don't kill each other
If you: a) have nothing in your profile or feed b) post nothing but memes c) post nothing but politics d) post nothing but retweets e) outrage farm/clout chase f) don't seem human g) don't appear to have anything in common with me h) never interact No, I'm not going to follow you & may even block
📽️📺 Thinking about how cool of an Easter Egg it is that in Event Horizon they (aptly) call one of the corpses a "Corpsicle" and Issa Lopez uses that term to (also aptly) describe the horrifying amalgamation of frozen corpses in True Detective Night Country. #horrorwatch #horror
Happy Sunday! Who's ready & counting down? 🎃🦇👻💀🎃🦇👻💀🎃
Well, the movie about a cosmic curse is definitely off to a great start, what with it getting pulled from Tubi, everyone watching various different formats/platforms, and people having all kinds of other issues 😂 #horrorwatch Also, hi, Lawrence Fishbourne, who just popped up on screen👋
So... Who all has Event Horizon in some capacity to watch? I have my Blu-ray but if only like 3 of us have the option of watching.... #horrorwatch
I guess this is a problem. Earlier in the week it was available as free to watch on Tubi, but now it's not any longer. If you have Prime it's still available there, as well as Apple+ MGM+ and Paramount + so sorry everyone, it's like Let's Scare Jessica to Death all over again
📽️ 📺 #Shudder programming for July (US) #streaming #horror Looking forward to seeing Arcadian & The Hole in the Fence (96% RT score, wow). And Possum, now that it's on a streamer without commercials. If you haven't seen Starry Eyes or We Are Still Here, they're both definitely worth a watch.
Yes, but also coffee. Lots. Of. Coffee.☕☕☕ Have a great Saturday, everyone!
Boosting ⬇️⬇️⬇️
The stories in Cynthia's horror/dark speculative fiction collection are frequently set in and inspired by Oakland, California. For a chance to win this book, like and retweet this post with your favorite horror story set in a real place and inspired by that place's history.
the Inside Out characters in my head
the Inside Out characters in my head
Words are so slippery. Conveying precisely what I mean in an allotted number of characters is usually a recipe for failure, for meeeeeee It's SUCH a good thing that so much of social media uses this as its default 🙃
OMG I HATE FIREWORKS Am now extremely on edge/anxious A cacophony surrounds I must constantly look outside since it's been dry AF & fireworks keep landing in our yard Almost every neighbor on our street is exuberantly setting them off Plus it's still fucking sweltering I hate this holiday so much.
Finishing some artwork today (might take 'til tomorrow, but it'll be 95% done today, yay) Gonna watch Evil, The Bear, and then maaaaybe a movie What's everyone doing tonight, besides (if you're like me) avoiding any and all fireworks?
It's so hot here that we're watering the outside cats and they're letting us. I'm glad they have a safe space in our backyard to hang out in, once the fireworks really start going off.
I am 5 followers away from 300? Share my stuff if you dig it? 300 by end of day tmrw? #darkart #digitalart #creature #deathanxiety
Friends, this is shitty news and I'm sorry. Eirik Gumeny, Atomic Carnival Books owner and genre champion, is very sick. Please visit this link for more information and ways to support. cota.org/cotaforeirik...
Our Story – COTA for Eirik Gcota.org
Good morning! 🦈🩸
I am hoping some fellow authors might be interested in blurbing or ARC readers reviewing? It’s titled Nothing But the Willows & Other Things That Are Not there. /2
When did Reality decide to become nothing but cursed images? "Viral" culture commandeered by capitalism is going to break me one of these days, jfc
#Booksky #bookreview #horror #horrorsky #MSReview ⬇️⬇️⬇️
💙📚 INCIDENTS AROUND THE HOUSE is one of the scariest books I've read recently, & possibly EVER. Malerman plants seeds of unease here that grow into a deepening dread, and the POV masterfully conveys a feeling of vulnerability that enhances the horror. If you've ever been scared of the dark, beware.
💙📚 INCIDENTS AROUND THE HOUSE is one of the scariest books I've read recently, & possibly EVER. Malerman plants seeds of unease here that grow into a deepening dread, and the POV masterfully conveys a feeling of vulnerability that enhances the horror. If you've ever been scared of the dark, beware.
OK besides this below and DEVO coming out of the Kent State massacre, what are other facts you have about the evolution of art / music /etc that wouldn't be obvious if you didn't know but, retroactively, explain and/or illuminate a LOT ?
Reminds me of how almost all the French dadaists and surrealists were WWI veterans of the trenches seriously exploring alternatives to conventional thought and language.
Okay #horrorwatch family! What shall we watch for our first Terror from Beyond the Stars month of July? VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! 1️⃣ Colour Out of Space (2010, aka Die Farbe) 2️⃣ Event Horizon 3️⃣ Dunwich Horror (1970) 4️⃣ From Beyond 📊 Show results Colour Out of Space (2010, aka Die Farbe) 2️⃣ Event Horizon 3️⃣ Dunwich Horror (1970) 4️⃣ From Beyond 📊 Show results
"Reality is a dirty word for me, I know it isn't for most people, but I am not interested. There's too much of it about." - Ken Russell, BOTD in 1927