
This is SO wrong. They will do what we demand they do if we organize sufficiently. But jurisdiction stripping is a MUCH more potent possible starting point: Add to the Women's Health Protection Act, add to a legislative enactment of Chevron deference, add to a new Voting Rights Act.
It will take generations to replace the current court — and that’s assuming no bad actor ever gets elected. I also don’t believe Biden or his successors will have the political fortitude to expand the court. Nor do I believe a constitutional amendment is possible.
I'm not sure anyone is organized enough to collectively primary all the senators on judiciary -- IMO that's what it would take at this point if Dobbs, J6 and traditional advocacy haven't lit a fire under their bum bums
We need things shaken up in terms of pro-active possibility thinking. The jurisdiction-stripping combined with popular bills is the best way I see to get momentum going on that.
Also, if Harris does replace Biden, a shift becomes much more possible. She not locked in. Would see wisdom of jurisdiction-stripping re reproductive & voting rights. Not a done deal by any means, but much more possible.
I dunno. The external reasons aren’t enough, they need pressure that challenges power inside their own coalition.
I just think it would help change the atmosphere. Not an answer in itself. But if Harris were to be the candidate & take these positions, there's a potential groundswell of support that could result. And thus, pressure.
I'm pretty burned out and cynical at this point and outside competitive primaries, it's difficult to see how candidates take markedly better positions on issues. She'd want to differentiate from Biden, but it'd be such a cluster just to take over I'm not sure anything on policy would stick.
There's a narrative move: Biden did a lot, fixed a lot that was broken after Trump. But there was a lot that was broken before. Biden fixed a lot that Trump broke & made progress on longer term. Harris, as new generation, will focus more intensely on the longer term--things Sinemanchin killed!