
Democrats need to make the Supreme Court - not just Dobbs, but the threat posed by the court itself - a bigger issue in the campaign. I make the case at MSNBC:
Opinion | It’s time for Justice Alito to face some Democrats should make the Supreme Court more of a campaign issue
Example where Democrats need to be better at drawing a line in the sand. The slow drip of court corruption stories is just another case of a frog getting boiled unless a point is called out where this cannot go on. Alito supporting the democratic order being overthrown seems like a good one.
How? Joe Biden and every dem in Senate leadership has made it clear they will oppose expanding the court. How can they argue the court is the biggest threat without having any solutions other than, what, 'well hopefully Thomas will have a heart attack within 4 years'?
We have amendments to the Constitution already. So let's amend the part about SCOTUS. Also let's expand the court & pass a strict code of ethics.
And it seems like when they put together a code of ethics that there have been no defined consequences if the codes are violated so that definitely needs to be added.
I mean you'd think our unelected lords and masters would behave better.
They’ll just lean on decorum and tradition and watch while America and the Constitution continue to burn.
This is exactly the case -"The court’s conservative supermajority has been flying its own flag proudly — a flag of a single party, an ideological movement and a court transformed into a super-legislature, bent on molding the laws we all live under to suit its preferences." We are in Gideon now.
Really really should. I wonder if there isn't a quiet group in a room somewhere working the kinks.
Outside of corporate dems throwing the race to facists over genocide support, the Supreme Court is the greatest danger to our country.
Absolutely!!& when we win maj in both Houses we need 2 pressure our reps 2 reform,expand,SCOTUS. & 2 start investigations i/t their corruption!Also initiate an oversight entity w/ability 2 administer severe penalties as needed!