
There are lots of manifestations of media criticism, but perhaps the grossest is when journalists sense a weakness and rush to show how much smarter they are than everyone else.
This is not a journalist-driven crisis, it's based on what people saw and are continuing to see from Biden. The NYT is not forcing donors to withdraw and world leaders to react in pure horror, Biden and team have done that all on their own.
A number of your Washington-based colleagues this past week sadly did themselves no favors by publishing truly thin gruel while overlooking a number of blockbuster stories, viz.:
Right? And we're supposed to believe that in Washington, the place where politics is a blood sport, no one...not one member of Congress, not one White House staffer, not one insider opposed to his Israel one has ever said anything until now. Bullshit.
The good thing if there is one is that this is happening in June so they can get this all out of their systems and feel good about themselves.