
My only take on 2024e is: 1. They pretty much copied's Tales of the Valiant. 2. I hardly want to jump to a patch-fix that erodes the system's license rights for nearly $200 from a company that insists on using AI, hiring Pinkertons, and being racist.
If they were publishing a full-throated 6e with genuine fixes, a CC SRD iteration, and a whole new leadership ethos, I'd CONSIDER it. But they're not. So. Off we go.
I’m just so bored by D20 fantasy heartbreakers designed to feel like 5e. 5e is not a good game, so I can’t imagine playing a game that feels like it. I think it’s really lazy, boring design to make a game with the intention of “be like the popular game.” There’s so much underutilized design space.
This is DC20, right? Cause I cannot believe that much money was put on a game that seems written by AI
Which bit? My post was initially about WotC's "D&D 2024" which seems to be their half-assed name for what "OneD&D" was going to be. DC20 is only something I've glanced at, and wasn't impressed. I also didn't realize til now that it raised $2M!
OMG, I had no idea 2024e existed, and you first tweet sounded exactly about 20DC lol
Yeahhhhh DC20 feels like a grub. I’m liking Tales of the Valiant tho!
Oh, I just saw that one, need to read it in more detail! Art is amazing tho