
and we're home back on my own couch, less than 48 hours after they put me under modern medicine is *remarkable*
anyway, I'm now the proud owner of one less abdominal cyst, "probably benign but might become malignant later" flavor, that was about the size of my fist(!) - and, less fortunately, the gallbladder it rode in on god bless keyhole surgery tho, it got done on monday & apparently I'm going home today
also jesus christ I am *so tired* even just catching up a bit on here & sprinkling some likes around has been feeling like a lot of work my next lil while is going to be incredibly boring, and i could not be looking forward to it more
will you be able to gorge yourself on food tomorrow y/n
n 😔 I'll be able to eat - hell I was eating like 3hr after the anesthetic wore off - but I don't think I wanna eat til my belly bulges when I've got fresh abdominal stitches tbh I'm so doing that when I can tho soon™
Wonderful news! Speedy healing.