Pelafina H Lievre

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Pelafina H Lievre

@lievre_pelafina from the hellsite
I'm gonna have to try to talk him out of this shit, ain't I? *that's* gonna be fun, he's never met a tech hype cycle he didn't jump on …maybe I'll ask him how his crypto bag's looking these days - he brushed off my skepticism of that one too, *might* help make the case my judgement's worth heeding
quote from aforementioned boss, who is so proud of it he's said it repeatedly: "AI understands data and makes its own decisions" 🤮
quote from aforementioned boss, who is so proud of it he's said it repeatedly: "AI understands data and makes its own decisions" 🤮
at today's weekly team meeting, the boss was super excited to announce the launch of a new tool, 'cos one of our L2 support guys got an LLM to write it, and that means We're AI Now Yaaay!!! so I looked under the hood and immediately found an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability 🙃
at today's weekly team meeting, the boss was super excited to announce the launch of a new tool, 'cos one of our L2 support guys got an LLM to write it, and that means We're AI Now Yaaay!!! so I looked under the hood and immediately found an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability 🙃
finally (finally!) got around to watching ⊃∪∩⪽ it's very good!
this place has ruined me every time I see a post that uses the word "gridlock" I end up having to back up and start over from the beginning because in the first attempt, my brain invariably reads it as *ahem* "girldick"
Introduce yourself with four spaceships 🚀 • Harrier, Pirates of Drinax (Traveller) • Theseus, Blindsight • Talyn, Farscape • Mondoshawan ship, The Fifth Element
Introduce yourself with four spaceships 🚀 RZ-1 A-wing from Return of the Jedi SSV Normandy SR-2 from Mass Effect 2/3 Centurion from Wing Commander: Privateer USS Enterprise-D From Star Trek: The Next Generation
having never watched Steamboat Willie, I figured I'd take the opportunity to finally see what all the fuss was about main impression: dang, that's a lot of cruelty-to-animals-based comedy kinda interesting as an object lesson in how far those mores have shifted
happy new year (as & when appropriate in your respective local timezones) y'all!
oh man I'd forgotten how much I enjoy Justice I gotta dig out my copy of † now - I think I forgot my mp3s on a laptop I've since replaced the replacement of, but the CD I ripped em from gotta be around here somewhere
also of note, the centerpiece of said feast was stuffed turkey... thigh! and that one I can recommend *without* reservation - *way* more flavorsome & less dry than the usual
got wine drunk & watched Rebel Moon while my christmas feast went down verdict: I wouldn't say it's a "good movie", in particular the dialogue is uhhh... very Zach Snyder, but - I had fun! it's entertaining :) and they get massive bonus points for doing something in a totally new setting for once
got wine drunk & watched Rebel Moon while my christmas feast went down verdict: I wouldn't say it's a "good movie", in particular the dialogue is uhhh... very Zach Snyder, but - I had fun! it's entertaining :) and they get massive bonus points for doing something in a totally new setting for once
specifically - it's a front-loader, and it seems the drum somehow started rubbing against the rubber… seal? gasket? thing at the front, and the spin cycle caused enough friction for… well, I got a faceful of rancid smoke when I opened the door, and there's little bits of rubber all over my clothes
. . . and my washing machine just broke down
. . . and my washing machine just broke down
When I encounter myself as a different colored cursor because I have the Google Doc open in two tabs
ahhhh, that's *so* much better oh I didn't tell y'all about the icing on the cake: I was told to not let my incisions get too wet for 4 weeks after surgery, so I'd had to just wash at the gd sink for the last month, yesterday was the first time I was allowed a proper bath and the bath broke! man
faucet: repaired main shutoff valve: was seized up (hence the furnace shenanigans), now also repaired plumber: very friendly & professional (also a bit of a twunk ngl) bath: running, rich with bubbles we are, as they say, so back
faucet: repaired main shutoff valve: was seized up (hence the furnace shenanigans), now also repaired plumber: very friendly & professional (also a bit of a twunk ngl) bath: running, rich with bubbles we are, as they say, so back
• the bath faucet broke & wouldn't shut off and it turns out to have no isolator valve so I panicked & drained the tub and the only way I eventually found to stop the flow was to shut down the whole damn furnace so now I've had no bath, and have no hot water 'til I can get things fixed AAAARGH
it's kinda wild how I had three things break one right after the other like that, each more annoying than the one before like, it's a pretty funny sequence of events in principle, a solid bit of slapstick... if it wasn't totally ruining my day in practice 😕
god dammit, to hell with everything I just wanted to have a nice soak in the bath, but then • the handle fell off the bathroom door which I fixed, but then • the chain on the bath plug snapped which I wasted a bunch of time failing to fix - but whatever, I can do without for now aaaand then...
• the bath faucet broke & wouldn't shut off and it turns out to have no isolator valve so I panicked & drained the tub and the only way I eventually found to stop the flow was to shut down the whole damn furnace so now I've had no bath, and have no hot water 'til I can get things fixed AAAARGH
god dammit, to hell with everything I just wanted to have a nice soak in the bath, but then • the handle fell off the bathroom door which I fixed, but then • the chain on the bath plug snapped which I wasted a bunch of time failing to fix - but whatever, I can do without for now aaaand then...
LPT: sneezing while you have sutures in your abdomen SUUUUCKS try not to do that
trying to catch up on 11 days' worth of bluesky by iterating thru beloved mutuals in no particular order & reading their entire profile til I hit a post I'd already liked prior to my absence (so if you're wondering why I just dropped a ton of likes on your posts going back a week & ½, now you know)
and we're home back on my own couch, less than 48 hours after they put me under modern medicine is *remarkable*
anyway, I'm now the proud owner of one less abdominal cyst, "probably benign but might become malignant later" flavor, that was about the size of my fist(!) - and, less fortunately, the gallbladder it rode in on god bless keyhole surgery tho, it got done on monday & apparently I'm going home today
anyway, I'm now the proud owner of one less abdominal cyst, "probably benign but might become malignant later" flavor, that was about the size of my fist(!) - and, less fortunately, the gallbladder it rode in on god bless keyhole surgery tho, it got done on monday & apparently I'm going home today
also I should hasten to add that my unexplained absence since the daikon incident was not *entirely* spent in hospital, most of it I was just too busy/stressed getting ready to go in to post
also I should hasten to add that my unexplained absence since the daikon incident was not *entirely* spent in hospital, most of it I was just too busy/stressed getting ready to go in to post
to clarify, having now viewed my last post in the context of my profile: these two posts are not at all related, I did not hospitalize myself by eating too much raw daikon tho, coincidentally, my tummy does hurt again
to clarify, having now viewed my last post in the context of my profile: these two posts are not at all related, I did not hospitalize myself by eating too much raw daikon tho, coincidentally, my tummy does hurt again
addendum: my tummy hurts :( maybe I shouldn't have jumped straight to eating several ounces of raw radish in one sitting it's so crunchy tho!
oh hey this is pretty good got enough of that firey radish-y taste to keep things interesting, but not overpowering like some of the little red ones texture's great too this feels tragically underrated as a crudité option, I suspect entirely because crudités are a french thing and daikon is not
oh hey this is pretty good got enough of that firey radish-y taste to keep things interesting, but not overpowering like some of the little red ones texture's great too this feels tragically underrated as a crudité option, I suspect entirely because crudités are a french thing and daikon is not
went shopping for (among other things) something healthy with a satisfying crunch, for snacking purposes I usually go for celery, but this time they were out so now I'm the proud owner of a whole ass 24 oz daikon never had one of these before, let's see how it goes
went shopping for (among other things) something healthy with a satisfying crunch, for snacking purposes I usually go for celery, but this time they were out so now I'm the proud owner of a whole ass 24 oz daikon never had one of these before, let's see how it goes
the store had a rather limited selection of flatbreads, so dinner is... shawarma burritos?