
This is a fabulous article!! It's long, but I promise if you read it, you will be nodding your head. "Yes, that's My President!" PS: Seth Abramson's articles usually cost, and this one's free, probably because it's an important read. So pass it along, My Friendsđź’™
(📢) Read this analysis of what President Biden actually *said* at the debate and you’ll be as angry as I am. Read in transcript, he’s *sharp*. “By Obsessing Over Visuals Rather Than Listening to Words, We Just Got Conned By Trump—Again” (🔗): Please share!
By Obsessing Over TV Visuals Rather Than Listening to Words, Voters Just Got Conned By Donald Trump— This report analyzes what President Biden actually said at the debate, rather than how he looked saying it. What we see in doing so—in focusing on how to govern rather than how to perform—is stunning.
Thank you Penny- insightful editorial by Mr. Abramson. I believe the post debate demonstration of hypocrisy & chaos from a few surrender monkeys . They're missing what should be the most important lesson which is - FTG's MESSAGE - He clearly told us all What he Is - What he Stands For ..Be Scared.
Thank you for posting this. Everyone should read this, particularly if they have concerns about the results of the debate.
You're very welcome, Robertđź’™