
It’s hard to ignore that there’s a class of cranky commentariat that was upset that kids changed norms and had too much sex and then became upset that kids changed norms and had not enough sex and it’s becoming to look kind of unsettlingly preoccupied
In all seriousness, if the kids are having less sex it's more likely because they have a radically different understanding of consent than we did — and that's GREAT.
There seems like a surprisingly large class of people that think that teen sex should be exclusively done in the back of a large sedan or station wagon and not necessarily with consent And I mean I owned a car that you could father and raise a family in but let's be honest a bed is still better
It's depressing how many people my age (Xennial) and older have a "losing my virginity" story that's really the story of a rape. The only heartening thing is that I can now recognize that, and that a lot of kids have always been able to tell the difference.
Or even if it's consensual how it just fucking sucked. I think it'd be better for everyone emotionally if we waited until like, 20 to have sex.