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Every single goddamned episode of The Boy has this scene. "No Butcher, I hate you, I won't do that" "Aw c'mon, please?" "Fine, ok" *Butcher smirks*
omg lmao monkeys are too smart for their own good
Plugger's go to the grippy sock hotel so much they got their 11th visit for free
FIL: any concerts coming up? ME: yeah, going to see Mannequin Pussy in September FIL: Mannequin what? ME: pussy. like a cat.
Remember that time you lied and said you didn't know the Project 2025 people? Then why were they all former members of your administration, why were they all former members of your administration Trump?
Reading a story yesterday with a pseudo-Doordash company called Grubangel. First couple times I read it as one word that rhymes with Krabappel before I realized it was supposed to be "Grub Angel
This is the opposite of the "why does anime food look so good" meme. I think the artist needs to go some kind of Cartoonist hell for this
I do love punk shows. I love shoving sweaty shirtless dudes back into the pit much less. Like pushing a big wet fish
Have we tried inventing a Krell mind machine that we can hook judges up so they'll be competent enough to make judgements regarding any possible question of science?
This whole kerfluffle feels like a big Kennedy/Nixon thing because I'm reading the CNN rush transcript of the debate and not seeing the Biden disaster everyone is talking about. The golf part is weird tho, and it starts with Biden talking about Trump's weight?
READ: Biden-Trump debate rush transcript | CNN President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump participated in their first debate of the 2024 election season on CNN Thursday.
not sure ive ever seen anything as fucking Metal as this bald cardinal on my parents birdbuddy
I looked it up, they also ask the AI to write a poem based on the story and it's dogshit. It appears to be about some second person who also suffered a miscarriage and buys the shoes as a grieving process?
Was listening to a Sixty Minutes segment on AI. The host made it do a short story based on "for sale, baby shoes, never worn" and could not shut up about how good the result was even though it was pure soulless drivel. Think a big key to this racket persisting is not knowing what real writing is.
Huh, weird I saw these all clustered in one spot of the feed. Posted at the exact same time and they have nearly the same number of likes.
Reading the actual Project 2025 papers are so weird because it will be super boring stuff like farm insurance reform and then out of nowhere the author says we should pay time and a half for anyone working on a Sabbath.
I feel like it's pointless to debunk obviously stupid ideas. But I did a quick calculation using my own finances to see what I would pay under a "No Federal income tax, only tariffs" plan. Using Paul Krugman's estimate of 133% effective tariff rate I'd end up paying $20K more than right now.
E-girl gf and podcaster bf
Okay why is the What's Hot Classic tab 90% Malay posts begging for follows and like today?
Reading buddy. 💕 Photo from my collection, no date/info.
Looking at upcoming movies at the indie theater "Lena Dunham's new movie" No "Is a Holocaust drama" Noooooooo
Will Shatner released a children's music album and the cover is some hilariously deranged AI shit. I'm guessing the bot kept using his younger TOS face so they had to go back and photoshop his current face onto it.
Exciting stuff is happening on season 2 of Milf Manor
Reading the NYT focus group article. I'm learning that the median voter is someone who's top choices for president are Donald Trump, Oprah WInfrey, and Kamala Harris.
The Columbia Daily Spectator staff wrote and photographed an entire cover package for New York Magazine, I am so ridiculously proud of them!!!
I think you can map the Four Humors theory of TV show characters to the four castes of eusocial insects*. I'll use TMNT as an example.
Since nothing good ever happens, the news tomorrow is gonna be like, Justice Thomas spent the weekend receiving the first successful treatment of the Methuselah Serum, which experts say will extend his life by at least 50 years.
A friend shared with me a new painting that's gone up in her government office. It uhhh, maybe not the right message for a public building
*Baron Harkonnen doing his taxes* "When is a gift not a gift?"