
This fighting for democracy thingy is getting effing exhausting… and I think that is their mission. Attempting to wear us down to the point we surrender. Ain’t gonna happen!!!
I think it will happen. I think it already has. I think the country is headed for a break up and has been since Trump One. The only question is, does it take a shooting war for it to happen?
You are more than likely right. This has been percolating for a long time and Trump just turned up the heat and let all the horribles out. Not to mention the 3 picks for the Supreme Court.
It's just not sustainable to live this way. The Civil War was our first clue. This is our 2nd, and we better take heed this time.
Who shoots who? What are the sides? Us vs Us? No there will not be a shooting wat. Not to say some won't get shot though, just won't be a war
Yes it is I need to take more naps It is exhausting But I will never surrender to Fascism Hugs
They are trying to create a civil war and they’re almost there.