
Keir Starmer’s new cabinet marks a historic moment in British politics, with a record number of state-educated Ministers & the lowest proportion of privately educated Ministers since 1945🌹
In the interests of transparency (and this is honestly a genuine question because I have no idea), how many (if any) of them are what financial people would describe as "high net worth"?
This will outrage the alt right trans Atlantic backers who planned to shut down higher education to only those who can pay up front.
"It's not what you've got, it's what you do with it." Sorry Peter, but I've been around long enough to know that it's a *rare* exception when politics doesn't live down to my lowest expectations. SIR Starmer of Establishment might seem better than Tory, but that's like the gutter vs the sewer.
Isn't it also the most highly educated as well with quite a few higher degrees?
Refreshing to see a Cabinet meeting table that's not covered in cheap booze and takeaways.
Good. Competence & honesty are the most important factors for me & it feels like that's how the cabinet's been selected without the influence of the old boy's network, hallelujah.