Pete #COVIDisAirborne

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Pete #COVIDisAirborne

Chemistry. ChemEng. UK DIY filter team. Use shared air mitigations. High quality FFP2/3/N95 masks, ventilation, effective air filtration. Spaces Host elsewhere.
“You’ve been sick for years… just die already”. Someone actually said that to me & I wrote about it on substack. I feel the Covid pandemic has increased hatred & anger towards disabled people. We remind them of something they want to forget:
Want to learn more about SARS2/Covid & aerosol transmission? How long can it remain infectious? What things cause it to lose infectivity? Here's the MP3 recording of today's space by w/ Al Haddrell (@ukhadds). Starts at min 5:
Tolerate? Millions of disabled ppl are STILL living under intense Covid restrictions in order to stay alive. When u make comments like this u fail to acknowledge that ur “back to normal” is at the direct expense of millions of vulnerable ppl’s lives. Stop acting like disabled ppl don’t exist.
A tweet worth looking at on the other place. The new indoor air quality regs are meeting resistance and there appears to be a push to weaken the requirements. Other countries will be sure to face similar issues if new IAQ standards are introduced so worth being watchful.
We have posted recorded audio of an X Space hosted by on Nov 2nd. The featured guests were Dr Rae Duncan & Dr Claire Taylor. With COVID vascular damage in the news, hear from 2 top docs who've been sounding the alarm for 18+ months. No X acct needed to listen.
Covid Toolbox – Resource Hub for COVID/
There aren't many great reasons to be on Twitter these days, except for a major event like this one featuring these two leading Covid doctors (not yet on Sky it appears). Mark your calendars for Nov 2nd 9pm UK time. Thanks #CovidisAirborne #Covid
GBD say focused protection was their plan. It was nothing of the sort but if we really want to do focused protection we should focus right now on: - Using correct PPE in healthcare - Clean air in hospitals / all care settings - Clean air in schools - Clean air on public transport
Long Covid has made Sky News homepage. It isn't "an unusual case" though. It's happening to HUGE numbers of people as well as a myriad of other serious consequences. You may be 1 infection away from a similar problem. It's important to protect yourself.
Long COVID: Unusual case turns man's legs blue after 10 minutes of standing A number of long COVID symptoms have been observed since research into the condition began, including impacting the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating blood pressure and hea...
If anyone in UK is wondering if Gov't would prefer you didn't know about Covid prevalence, it's worth noting that the only case data we have is from Zoe app - there are no Gov funded sources. No boosters, no data, no effort, no warnings - are you sure they care if you get sick?
Covid is an ever-present. We can talk about waves but even when levels are considered low by some, it's still in pretty significant circulation. Prevalence influences the probability of encountering an infectious person but it's never been low enough to be considered safe imo. 1/2
If people understood these 4 simple truths; that #LongCovid: - - Can completely destroy your health - Can limit your ability to work AND There are: - No known diagnostic tests - No known treatments Then maybe folk would be more inclined to protect themselves. Dice roll ~1 in 10. 1/
Do no harm Keep masks in healthcare Wearing a mask is harm reduction Protect your community
100 classes signed up for fall. Make that happen ~50 more times & I'll feel like I did my job. matches scientists w/ classrooms, scout troops, libraries, & more for Q&A sessions. We're lowering barriers to connect with science!
In a 6 week period (2022) of sustained respiratory viral activity in Ottawa, Canada kids being absent was reduced enough to gain almost 2,000 school days. This was with mostly low quality masks, imagine how much better if everyone had proper N95 or better ( ). 🧪
School-Based Mandatory Masking Policies and Absenteeism in Ottawa, This cohort study assesses the association between school-based mandatory masking policies and educational disruption in Ottawa, Canada, during the COVID-19 pan
Hey! I thought I'd just see what's going on over here. It feels a lot like starting again. For those who may know me from's me :-)
End of feed.