Patrick G. Eddington

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Patrick G. Eddington

Current: think tanker, author, Border Collie dad, Bill of Rights defender, 21st century Anti-Federalist.

Previous: CIA analyst, USAR officer, senior House staffer.

Last time a Dem POTUS who was viewed as ineffectual by a majority of voters (1980), Dems lost the presidency, the House, & the Senate. Pelosi remembers this. Dems loathed Reagan but they worked with him, even after they took back the House in ‘82. Trump is a vastly greater threat, hence the stakes
What have we done to our kids? "Further studies are required to determine whether COVID-19 also accelerates progression to type 1 diabetes in adults and whether vaccination and monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms should be considered for individuals with presymptomatic type 1 diabetes."
COVID tied to faster progression from preclinical to clinical type 1 diabetes in Type 1 diabetes incidence was 8.6 per 100 person-years during, versus before, the pandemic among uninfected participants and 14.0 among the infected.
Most of the polls in states where Dem Senators are either defending their own seats or trying to secure a seat because the Dem incumbent is retiring are generally polling several points higher than Biden. That's been the case for months now & Schiff knows that.
Schiff Warned of Wipeout for Democrats if Biden Remains in Representative Adam B. Schiff of California told attendees at a Democratic fund-raiser that the party would lose the Senate and miss a chance to take the House if the president did not drop out.
NEW YORK (AP) — Former TV personality Carlos Watson was convicted Tuesday in a federal financial conspiracy case about Ozy Media, an ambitious startup that collapsed after another executive impersonated a YouTube executive to hype the company’s success.
Ex-TV host Carlos Watson convicted in trial over collapse of startup Ozy Former TV personality Carlos Watson has been convicted in a federal financial conspiracy case about collapsed startup Ozy Media.
I don’t understand why it took SO LONG for the obvious problem with privacy invasion to land. But actual small-govt folks (not republicans) have been WARNING YALL FORWVER.
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
I guess, according to Graham, Hitler survived multiple assassination attempts for the same reason?
Fall can't get here fast enough.
The vibe in my feed right now is that a lot of people’s vanilla lib boomer moms probably need to switch off iMessage for a Signal account
Which is Graham's way of saying the others who died or were injured were not actually, really, truly God's children.
New: Trump's escape from assassination has reinvigorated talk among supporters that God saved him for America's sake. Evangelist Franklin Graham: "Trump came very close to having his brains spread over that platform but God, I believe, protected him"
Trump’s close call in assassination attempt fuels talk he was ‘chosen by God’ The former president’s supporters have said his survival is a sign of divine intervention -- and his White House destiny.
Arrived today. Been meaning to get to this one for awhile.
House Oversight on July 22, House Homeland on July 23, with FBI's Wray also before House Judiciary the same week (or so it appears). Peters & Paul on Senate HSGAC will also hold hearings. This will stay in the news until at least the August recess.
House GOP ramps up investigations into Trump assassination A second leading Republican is requesting the Secret Service director testify next week, as well as the heads of the FBI and DHS.
Schumer just issued a statement calling on Menendez to resign. If he doesn't expect GOP members to call for/move to expel him.
Well, I see DoJ finally got Bobby "Gold Bars" Menendez, guilty on all 16 counts. Corruption and arrogance usually go hand in hand, but wow.
Coming in March 2025, the first in my two-volume installment on domestic surveillance and political repression in the United States.
JD Vance going from 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I oppose him' to 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I'm running to be his Vice President' -- truly, what an arc
Trump’s VP pick … — demanded the DOJ open a criminal investigation of a journalist for “insurrection” over an op-ed critical of Trump — spouted replacement theory garbage — called for criminal prosecutions of other Trump critics — blamed Biden for Trump shooting — called for Biden’s prosecution
The FISA reauth that passed in April is a direct & mortal threat to the Bill of Rights. Now, imagine a scenario in which Warner's proposed change is thwarted & the current, radically broad FISA authority passes into Trump's hands if he wins in November. Let that sink in.
Scoop: The US senate was just poised to implement new safeguards against potential abuse of a key NSA wiretap program. WIRED has learned that at least two Republican senators are quietly working to thwart the effort.
US Senators Secretly Work to Block Safeguards Against Surveillance Senator Mark Warner is trying to pass new limits on when the government can wiretap Americans. At least two senators are quietly trying to stop him.
Vance is not a true believer in the cult of personality, he's faking that part (as are most of them). But he's something worse: a true believer, and a relatively intelligent one, in authoritarian ideology. He doesn't believe in Donald Trump, he believes in Carl Schmitt.
The purpose is not just to articulate government policy, but to encourage private action. This is not going to work out well for anyone. Including me, since the first time a shitbird in a MAGA hat demands one of my kids prove their citizenship I’m probably gonna wind up in jail.
The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
I guess the new term of the day is “battlebox.” 🤦‍♂️