
#FBPE. I despise fascism. Fan of History, Science, Music, Tech. Etymology, Languages and 'wokeness'. Privileged to be exposed to the insights of the many great people on Bluesky.
Rich Speight
Rich Speight
Worker education. Dance Music. Football. Cricket. Politics. Achilles recovery. #SAFC fan and ex-podcaster, writer & editor. English immigrant to #Cymru
Ben Carson
Ben Carson
Having a wonderful time here 😊
Michael Allen
Michael Allen
Civil engineering #dog and cat 🐈 owner, #single dad.
tired working class hermit. wannabe eft content creator. Taken ♡
The Mad Soup News Show
The Mad Soup News Show
weekly leftist news show
memes, conspiracies, & politics. mostly politics.
Charlotte Willson
Charlotte Willson
Languages, Nature, Cats, #Annibyniaeth, #FBPE.

Rhywle yng ngogledd Ceredigion.

Wokerati, but I've never eaten Tofu.

Mastodon: @[email protected]
Siobhán McElduff
Siobhán McElduff
Latinist, 1st gen Irish academic. Author of obscure academic books and slightly less obscure OERs on Roman culture. Translator of, and far too fond of Cicero. She/her nó sí/í.
Dale Anderson
Dale Anderson
NEW / The Latest World Soccer News #worldsoccernews
Head Like A Hat
Head Like A Hat
A fan of nails of a specific length, collective bargaining, and building a world for everyone, not just a wealthy few.

All comments before noon are poorly proofread. Worse later.

I reserve the right to waste my time as I choose. Non negotiable.
Newton meter
Newton meter
Implements programming languages. Rides anything on two wheels. Multi-instrumentalist. Listens to music from 1977. Xoogler.
Ashley Rolfmore (she/her)
Ashley Rolfmore (she/her)
I help software teams navigate capitalism.
I help capitalists understand software teams.

Not a professional account, all my personal opinions, etc, etc.

If I know you professionally and I’ve added you on here - consider yourself trusted 💜
Dale Anderson
Dale Anderson
Real UK Stories #ukstories
Through the ruin of a city stalked the ruin of a man.
DHH 2024 Eurovision
DHH 2024 Eurovision
This is the official account for the 2024 Digital Humanities Hackation Eurovision team at the University of Helsinki! Come see what we've been up to! #webrokethecode
Paula Whiteside 🇪🇺🇬🇧🇮🇹🍝🥂
Paula Whiteside 🇪🇺🇬🇧🇮🇹🍝🥂
Darned Brexit got me here, searching for kindness and shouting into the wind
Mum-coded. Books, food and language stuff. I have approximate knowledge of many things. She/her ei/hi.

PP: me as a Lofi Girl. Banner: an empty street from Spirited Away. Faded buildings, red lanterns, and a cloudless blue sky.
Jonathan Powell
Jonathan Powell
Interested party
On a mission to supercharge UK community energy ⚡

Connect volunteers | Provide funding | Buy clean energy 🤝

Please email [email protected] for any enquiries 💚
mass over volume
Andy VZ
Andy VZ
Tabletop game dev/project manager for over a decade, currently with Trick or Treat Studios. Opinions my own.

Fantasy, sci-fi, comic, & video game enthusiast. He/him.
MD, Mam, Mate
Generals and Napoleon
Generals and Napoleon
The greatest collection of military talent in history. Please checkout our Spotify link (below).

Britt (she/her)
Britt (she/her)
Legally married to Edgar Allan Poe. I have a real husband too. I love vampires more than I love most people. I talk about horror, Halloween, goth shit, and books. Should be in grad school studying folklore, but I’m on Bluesky instead.
Chris Brody
Chris Brody
Activist, web builder, musician, photographer.
Dr Eleanor Janega
Dr Eleanor Janega
That one medieval historian you've heard of. Co-host We're Not So Different and Gone Medieval podcasts. Author of The Once and Future Sex. (Out now!) George Michael stan. Cutie.
Here to respectfully listen and learn
End all kings. Eat the rich.
Fat Lass Shrugged
Fat Lass Shrugged
Told me not to worry, you were just a shooting star
Queer fat neurodivergent cat lady hangs out in the West Midlands (via NI) in a series of ridiculous outfits. Parodius enthusiast. No terfs/swerfs. She/her
Elon Musk
Elon Musk
Investigator turned OSINT Analyst | Author | Follow for #OSINT & #Defense | Memes | Pro NAFO | Pro Ukraine | Anti Disinformation | | 🐕‍🦺 > 🐈 | 🐧 > 🪟 and always, 🍍 on 🍕
Super Shop
Super Shop
I love Unique Design🦋⃤♡⃤🌈⃤
❤️ United 🗽 States ❤️

Shop Now:
Bahruz Samadov
Bahruz Samadov
Researcher focused on Azerbaijan, authoritarianism, nationalism. Post-structuralist, into Lacan, Laclau, Derrida, Zizek. Currently doing PhD in Political Science at Charles University in Prague.
Everything Functioning Within Normal Parameters
AI Hello
AI Hello
Inspire Uplift
Inspire Uplift
Daily Quotes of Positivity, inspiration, compassion and upliftment. Hope you’re following? 🥰Click the follow button and receive daily inspiration and words of upliftment👆👆
Georgia Carson
Georgia Carson
Ngāti Whakaue. Wellington stereotype and recovering post-doc. Trying this out.
Food, music, politics. Views are mine: don't threaten to email my boss. (She/her).
Mini blog:
Main blog:
Roger Day
Roger Day
Mostly cats and dogs, maybe some art and archeology
Dave Lang
Dave Lang
(he/him) Graphic Designer, geocacher, history geek, Eurovision fan and patriotic Canadian 🍁 | Toronto 🇨🇦 & Nürnberg 🇩🇪
Wig Fortuna
Wig Fortuna
Technologist, Part-Time Creator, Birder, Climate Reality Leader, Employer Brander, Mysterious Presence, Linguaphile + EUROVISION!
Dr Simon Perkins #FBPE 🇪🇺🇺🇦🌈🌻🌊
Dr Simon Perkins #FBPE 🇪🇺🇺🇦🌈🌻🌊
🇪🇺 🇳🇿 Pākehā living in the largest British region of *Europe* #FBPPR, #FBPE
I'm an academic and my research centres on 'affective economies' i.e. I've been on Twitter since 2007 i.e.
Jim Souhan
Star Tribune columnist, founder