
Columbia University just announced that its university-wide commencement on May 15th has been canceled
It has been said that modern universities see students as customers. I'm starting to think some universities see students as products, or raw materials, fruit to be squeezed for juice and then thrown aside once all value is extracted from them.
They're increasingly investment/real estate firms that also sometimes teach students.
They are a hedge fund with classes.
And by value, we mean that when their Pell entitlement and Direct Loan lifetime limits have been reached. All gone? Thanks for the business, and remember to pay those loans back (not that you have a choice since your wages will be garnished in any W2 job if you're missing payments).
Once you've paid tuition I think it's all the same to the university whether you pay back your loans or not.
The default rate matters to the institution. If too many students default on their loans, the institution loses eligibility for all federal funding, meaning students going to that school can't get Pell, loans, etc to go there. It matters greatly.
You're right of course. But as a student at multiple institutions, it has often felt I've been valued according to my ability to pay 🙄
Too true. And the default rates are almost hard for a college to hit nowadays with the income-driven plans. It's possible to have a $0 payment if income is low enough/household is large enough.
They view the parents and guardians as customers mostly where undergrad is concerned. So I think your take on the students is correct
I mean this is the tech start up model of customers/products and it absolutely scans.
Modern school boards are also training and ordering teachers to see parents as “customers”, which is more horrifying
Great marketing for any high school seniors still making college decisions. Come to Columbia, where the endowment won’t be divested from blood money and the administration’s comfort ALWAYS comes first above student safety and normal campus life.
Just total lack of remorse for having done this to the majority of students who never supported the protest, were made uncomfortable by it, and now have their commencement taken away by its selfishness.
They lost their HS graduation to pandemic lockdowns & now they're losing their college commencement because some people want to make protest their entire life.
They're losing their commencement because a tiny handful of people who control the school's money refuse to divest from a genocide
No. There is no genocide. LARPers wish there was a genocide, so they could be heroic, so they are pretending that one exists, and they selfishly stole something from everyone else because they insist their LARP is more important than real life.
Everyone else is sick of playing along with the LARP now. What are you guys even going to do when the war is over? The final battle has reportedly started, and in a few weeks that will be that. Because it was never a genocide. Israel didn't even start the war, they were having a dance party.
Protesting for ceasefire was fine! But, if this cause justifies occupying space continually & denying non-protesting students access, how do you tell the next group that their cause doesn't justify doing the same? Maybe, shutting everything down for a non-stop protest is what some folks want.
Y'all need to drop it with the genocide libel.
It wouldn't matter what the school does or doesn't do. Some students believe they have the right to turn any event & any space into a pro-Palestinian protest. At least the students will get to walk for their diplomas by school.
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Friendly tip for you, my bestie - you might want to be exceedingly careful who you call a “fascist monkey” on public social media. And you might also spend some time in contemplation of exactly what actions an institution might take that would be categorized as Babylonian, Scripturally-speaking.
Checking his tl he seems to be a troll so probably best to just block. He does say he enjoys being blocked so he's got that going for him.
Good. Just mail the diplomas and let the students move on from that awful administration.
What's the over/under on cancelling the Pulitzer ceremony?🙄
Shoot, is that today?
Yes, they are scheduled to announce nominees today. To be fair, the J-School seems to be on a very different page than the University admins.
Fair, someone here posted that the J school dean almost got arrested trying to ensure his students could document it when the admin first called NYPD on their students.
Yeah, Dean Cobb has been through the whole protest thing just a few times. 😁
This guy on morning Joe this morning (the president’s favourite “news”) “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
I can’t read any further than board of Lockheed🤦‍♀️
"in private life, Johnson is also" a person who will kill children for profit
Resumé absolutely reflects a modern comparison
All this because Columbia U chose right wing nationalist zionism over their students and the constitution.
What percentage of its administration is white? Because it smells very white.
I mean, their president is Egyptian but is also an English Baroness with a seat in the House Of Lords, so it cancels out.
Ok so there goes one of the reasons for shutting down protests
it's cool to just not look at universities where nothing happened because cops didn't escalate the situation
Because they haven't threatened or assaulted any Jews yet.
We got us another edgy commie. So edgy and cool.
If only that applied to the murderous IDF...
I’m confused. The university called the cops and now the university is canceling commencement for everyone. Who is being punished here? Why are you taking joy from it?