
The first social media babies are adults now. Some are pushing for laws to protect kids from their parents’ oversharing
Why do parents hate their children?
Second-hand embarrassment as the child of a mother who would have totally done the same thing.
counterpoint: we should enshrine into the constitution the explicit right for parents to embarrass their children
There’s a difference between wearing socks and sandals when you pick up your kids and telling facebook when your kids start menstruating and I’m pretty sure you know that.
... But the kids are the ones wearing the socks and sandals. (I have absolutely 0 interest in intentionally embarrassing my kids, my childhood trauma won't allow it).
This is great. And also, I do not need to know these details. TMI. Same thing with photos please. People should not be allowed to post 50+ photos of their vacation.
We all knew this reckoning was coming.
Why. Why do parents do this? Also, do people not realise that those pictures of their kids they post everywhere are just fodder for every paedophile with basic photoshop skills? FFS.
photoshop or now some AI program making deep fakes easy as clicking a few buttons
Can't say I blame them. 🤷
not sure how it'd be possible to craft such a law without violating the First Amendment...
Allow civil lawsuits by changing the statute of limitations. No first amendment issues.
civil lawsuits on what grounds specifically?
Minors still have rights
Sure, but I don't think a "right to not be embarrassed" is one of them
The person in question was cyberstalked by a grown man because of her mother's relentless violation of privacy. She was bullied in school by students and teachers. The resulting psychological harm that caused should be actionable. It's a violation of privacy with real world harm as a result.
This is a disgusting way to shame a minor child who was a victim of an abusive parent but go on king fly that flag
At a minimum, the school should be liable for a teacher bullying her over her depression. You're NH, right? Strongest anti bullying laws in the country. This should extend to parents as well, but "parents rights" or some bullshit.
Bullying & What is the NH Bullying Law? The Public Safety & Violence Prevention Act of 2000 (amended 2010) is RSA-F of NH Title XV Education Law. This act as amended in 2010 reaffirms that "one of the legislatur...
Also New Hampshire is a two party consent state. The mother repeatedly recorded her kid without her consent. Yall just passed a data privacy law in 2024 which mom repeatedly violated. Anyway I hope these helped you be less condescending towards a victim.
The data privacy act was primarily targeted at website operators, and I would support expanding it by adding a right of private action to it. Also I don't think that caring about implementation details counts as condescension.
ok so yeah I guess if it's in line with existing anti-bullying laws, I could see that working; I'd want to make sure the teachers' unions would be on board first, though
The unions literally have no part in this. It's in the law that the school has to comply. It's like reporting child abuse, but with bullying. Would they need to run that past a union? Of course not. What a ridiculous thing to even entertain.
I assume it would be written in a way to to target specific information (PHI) and/or avenues of communication (public posting) about your kid, whoch then end up in court and need a ruling. I'd argue sharing my kid had their first period on FB should not be something within my parental rights.
so treat it as a HIPAA violation, then?
Potentially, but this is something which requires more thought and nuance than can be done in this format. I think the key component is that sharing it to social media aggravates the situation due to the reach (more people can see it) and longevity (servers, "your memories") of it.
yeah, there was another suggestion in a different reply to fold it in with general data privacy legislation (state-level equivalent of GDPR) that I think could be worth pursuing; I've personally bee hoping to add a right of private action to our existing data privacy law; could that cover this case?
I'd have to double-check about who exactly can be found liable for violating it, though; right now I think it's just digital platform operators who can be held liable under it, and I'd be reluctant to expand that to users...
Gen X, who didn't have social media in existence until they were adults:
As a data point, I started social media in 1975 or 1976, and there were people who'd already been in it for decades. I mention this because the same problems have existed since then.
Lucky for my kids, I don't remember a damn thing.
Six Degrees came out in 1997. You mean young adults or kids?